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KPN are a bunch of crooks who are trying to steel my money.

I moved house ending my contract November 2020.

They were supposed to contact me for what they consider evidence.  

Instead they did not request what they needed and locked me into a contract for another year.


They are fxxxxng criminals.

KPN are a bunch of crooks who are trying to steel my money.

I moved house ending my contract November 2020.

They were supposed to contact me for what they consider evidence.  

Instead they did not request what they needed and locked me into a contract for another year.


They are fxxxxng criminals.



You should contact a lawyer for a free first advise and opinion,  most times a provider can only threathen. 

Hi @hannah sickasaparot ,


I don't fully understand the situation, reading your story. Could you specify what happened about the move, the communication with KPN and your contract.

Hello @hannah sickasaparot, thank you for your message. Just as Maurice85, I am not entirely sure what the problem is. Could you specify what happened when you moved? Could you also add your postal code, house number, date of birth and client number to your profile? Then I can check the systems to see what happened and what has been discussed. I can then see how I can help you.

Hi Denise,


Thank you for your concern.  I have received a telephone call from KPN and confirmed to them I have sent them two pieces of evidence of my move from Utrecht and am now waiting for another call from the Opzeggen department.  I was assured I would be let out of the current contract KPN had locked me into without extra cost.  Happy New Year.

That is good to read. If you need my help with anything, please let me know! We're happy to help.

Hi Denise,


I am still receiving monthly notas.  Please can you look into this?


Customer number:  **********

24 januari 2021 Factuurkenmerk ************

Denise is absent, so I have looked into it. The evidence you provided isn't sufficient enough to cancel a subscription which is still in contract. In August 2020 you have extended the contract for 12 months, in return for this, you are paying €35 per month for your subscription. The end of contract date is now 27-08-2021. If there is already a KPN, Telfort or XS4all subscription at your new adress, you can cancel the subscription without any redemption payment. If you want to cancel the contract with this reason, you can fill in this form + with a official proof of registration (with date, stamp and signature). 
If there isn't a KPN, Telfort or XS4all subscription at your new adress, it isn't possible to cancel the contract without a redemption payment. In this case be sure to cancel the contract at the end of contract. To do this or for anymore questions about cancelling your contract, please contact the department cancellations: 0800 0402, 7 days a week, 8 till 22. 

*******  I am leaving the country on the 28th February so you can swing for your ***** contract you bunch of crooks.  *********.  I cancelled my contract which I had with Telfort.  I never had a contract with KPN.  I sold my house on December 4th 2020.  I left Utrecht on December 4th 2020.  I have de-registrered with the Gemeente Den Haag.  What further proof do you need?  You are a **********.  Now the new owner of the property is unable to get a contract for internet and telephone because you are still running the line to the house.  This is a********  and you are wasting my valuable time.  What are you talking about “The evidence you provided isn't sufficient enough to cancel a subscription which is still in contract.”   You were supposed to contact me and request further evidence in November last year after I cancelled with Telfort which they told me on the phone was all good.  What now?  You want to charge me every month for year for a service I no longer use in a house I  no longer own in a country I will soon no longer be in.



*Admin: edited due to rules of this forum

Please mind your language, @hannah sickasaparot. I am doing my job by explaining you what our conditions are to cancel a subscription which is still in contract. If you want to cancel the contract because you are leaving the country, you can find the required form on our website: click here. Be sure to upload one of the required documents. You cannot cancel your subscription through this forum, so for further comments or questions you can contact the department cancellations.

I have completed the form.

I am only able to enter the date which I am leaving the Netherlands.

I stopped with Telfort on 30th November, 2020 and moved house on 4th December 2020 which you have sufficient evidence of.

Therefore I will not be paying KPN any money from the last payment in November for November.

Please mind you do your job better.