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Hello KPN,

Since last week’s modem update on Experia 12 the internet connection has been more than terrible. The wi-fi on my working laptop and PC is almost not connected 80% of the time and when I can establish a connection it is not stable at all. Additionally, my experience with the customer centre support was not great. I called twice (had to wait 20 minutes). The first time the lady who picked up the call told me to wait to check something. After additional 10 minutes of waiting the cal just dropped. During my second call another operator picked up and explained to me that there is a problem. Could you please update me what is happening and when this is going to be fixed?  I hope you understand my frustration as most of us are working from home nowadays and we must have a reliable internet connection.

@Ivan Dosev Welcome to our forum. 

Sorry to read that your internet connection has been bad since the update. Is it only the wifi that is causing problems? Or do you also have problems when connected with a cable?

Could you also fill in your forumprofile, and let me know when you did? Then I can retreive your information and check the connection!