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I have demanded to terminate my subscription on 04.01.2021, afterwards I got an automatic reply e-mail which quotes KPN would evaluate my application in 14 days and call me via a public-hidden number. 
Today, it is 21.01.2021, 17 days past, and I am sure the mention in the email is not “werkdagen”. Is this normal? Is KPN always too late when it comes to terminate?


Why don’t you just give them a call on 0800 0402 and ask them what the status of your request is? First of all, you have a 1 month termination period. So in your situation your contract would be terminated on 04.02.2021. Even if they didn’t respond within the 14 days they stated in their mail, your request is still valid and should be honored.

Hi @Marco1024! It's very busy, so my reaction on your topic is later than I desired. Did you received a confirmation of your termination in the meantime? Or contacted my colleagues by phone? Please let me know if I can do anything for you.