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We do not have internet at all since Tuesday (28 March) morning. 

Finally after 4-5 month of delay and continuous problems with Fiber optic installation we got the glasvezel ready to use, therefore we changed our internet subscription from 200Mbps to 1Gbps on 21 March.

Everything worked fine until 28 March around 7:00 morning. When we try to connect to internet we get the following error:

Geen toegang tot Internet omdat uw gegevens (nog) niet bekend zijn

Uw gegevens zijn (nog) niet bekend in de juiste systemen. Daar kunnen twee reden voor zijn:

  1. Uw bestelling voor een internetaansluiting is nog niet afgerond. In de bevestiging van uw bestelling vindt u de afspraakdatum waarop uw bestelling wordt afgerond. Vanaf deze datum kunt u gebruik maken van uw internetaansluiting. U vindt de afspraakdatum en de actuele status van uw bestelling in de correspondentie van uw provider.
  2. Internet service opgezegd / overgestapt naar andere aanbieder. In de bevestiging van uw opzegging vindt u de datum waarop uw internetaansluiting wordt opgeheven. Mocht u vragen hebben over uw bestelling, annulering of opzegging, dan kunt u ook bellen met de Klantenservice van uw service provider.

Of course it is the 1st one since we did not cancelled our internet service. We were told that the change came into effect on 28 March and that is why we have this problem. Since it was not resolved within a few hours by turning off/on the router, KPN sent a technician next day.

BTW on Tuesday we asked if it is possible to get an internet stick so I can work from home. The person from customer service told me that yes I can pick up one at a KPN store, they will see my issue and will give me a stick. Well, I went to the store where they told me that they do not have internet sticks there at all, and it needs to be sent via post. So well informed customer service, congrats!

The technician was here on Wednesday (29 March) morning but at our end everything is working fine. He confirmed that KPN screwed up something and there is a problem in the configuration, he mentioned that something to do at the IT department and VPN/WAN setting… We were told that an issue is opened and within 24 hours normally the problem is resolved.

We followed this appointment up to be sure that the ticket at KPN is updated because we had problems before that the technician was here, told that he updated the ticket - and as it occurred it was not.. So again a call with customer service, of course the ticket was not properly updated. Then the person told me that the ticket has high prio and should be solved within 4 hours.

Well, it is Thursday afternoon and still nothing. Yesterday evening after this 4 hours of course we again had a call with KPN, where we were told that an emergency package is coming. Since we did not receive any confirmation via email as they told us, today we called them back and the customer service lady said that SOMETHING WENT WRONG with the arrangement of the emergency package. Am I surprised? She also said that tickets at KPN have normal prio, KPN has no priority scheme for inquiries and someone from back office will contact us. But when? No one knows, but everyone says within 1-2 days. 

So my question, dear KPN is: when will we be contacted?

Hi @AlexSz! I`m sorry to hear about your situation. 

I want to check out the situation for you. See if and how I can make a difference in resolving this matter. 

Would you please fill out your profile and let me know here when you've done so? That way I can find you in our systems. 

Please check out my profile for information, I am the husband of AlexSz and the contract is on my name. If she fills out her profile the data from mine disappears, at least it was the case last time when we tried to add the details of our subscription to her profile too.


We were told on Friday that the emergency package should arrive today but it didn't. I am now doubting that it was arranged to be honest. It is not possible to send us extra data because our mobile subscription is not at KPN, that is why we asked on Tuesday for an emergency package, somehow we felt that this issue won’t be solved that fast.


This may sound stupid but @AlexSz, could you confirm that is the case? As long as I don't have customer data in a profile I can't verify this. 

I have looke at your profile @Daniel Prbcs. And for your installation we do need another engineer. The only thing I do need verified from you still is that you have a fiber box in your home. And if the lights on that have gone green at any point. 

I have planned an engineer already. Because if the lights have been on that's the solution. We can have an engineer there on the 6th of April. The current appointment is for the engineer to arrive between 10AM and 12AM. Would you please verify this is convenient for you?

Hey @Bram_ 

As @Daniel Prbcs said, when I link my account with our subscription the info from his account disappears. I do not want to cause any trouble further by linking it to my account. At our home @Daniel Prbcs is the contracted person, I am his wife so you can check his profile for information.

We have the fiber box in our home and a technician was already here on Wednesday. Everything was good at our end he said, the problem is at your end, he mentioned that something to do at the IT department and VPN/WAN setting… All lights are green and working so I do not see why another engineer should check and do the same as the previous did. I can not wait until 6 April, I want to have this solved AT YOUR END as soon as possible next week. Please check internally and ask what kind of configuration needs to be fixed because again - nothing is wrong at our end. If you check this error message we get every time when we try to connect it says the same, you need to modify something and not at our home.


Geen toegang tot Internet van uw ISP omdat uw gegevens (nog) niet bekend zijn

Uw gegevens zijn (nog) niet bekend in de juiste systemen. Daar kunnen twee reden voor zijn:

  1. Uw bestelling voor een internetaansluiting is nog niet afgerond.

In de bevestiging van uw bestelling vindt u de afspraakdatum waarop uw bestelling wordt afgerond. Vanaf deze datum kunt u gebruik maken van uw internetaansluiting. U vindt de afspraakdatum en de actuele status van uw bestelling ook op

Mocht u vragen hebben over uw bestelling, dan kunt u ook bellen met de klantenservice van uw serviceprovider.

  1. Internet service opgezegd / overgestapt naar andere aanbieder.

In de bevestiging van uw opzegging vindt u de datum waarop uw internetaansluiting wordt opgeheven. 

Mocht u vragen hebben over uw bestelling, annulering of opzegging, dan kunt u ook bellen met de Klantenservice van uw service provider. 

We do not have internet since 28 March morning due to some administrative problem. My wife ( @AlexSz ) specifically asked for an internet stick until this is solved since she is working from home. We do not have KPN mobile so a data upgrade is not possible, that is why we asked for this internet stick. We were waiting, but nothing. Finally on Friday we were told that on Saturday it should arrive. It is Sunday, 2 April and still no internet neither internet emergency pack. This is ridiculous. Where is my internet emergency package and when will my internet issue be solved?



Admin: bericht naar eigen topic verplaatst


I was asking for a callback from the customer service today 3 times. Both 3 times after only 1 ring the line was broken by the service agent, I did not even had a chance to reply. Is it intentional? Because it is really strange that it happens suddenly as well.

Luckily the 4th time I was called back by a nice lady. The lady said that the fix is scheduled for the 6th of April and a technician will come between 8:00 and 10:00. It is fine by me, however a technician was already here last week as I mentioned and it is unacceptable that we need to wait until that. We do not have internet AT ALL since 28 March. It is 3 April and KPN scheduled the fix for 6 April. It is unbelievable that KPN expects us to wait until 6 April. We were just changing our old subscription to a new one with fiber optic, so we are not even a new customer where the waiting time is more.

Additionally, the 14days of cool off period will officially end tomorrow (since the new contract was generated on 21 March), but I got the information via phone call that since we have this problem with the internet it will be extended, but we can not get a written confirmation over this. Well, since I do not have trust in KPN anymore, as a reference, I had this phone call with customer service on 3 April from 9:30 until 10:44 I think you need to record the phone calls with the customer service. Your kind colleague mentioned that there is a ticket in your system that indicates that we do not have internet at all, it means that we can not make use of the new subscription and the 14 days of cool off period will be extended. She also made a note today in our ticket about it.

I am also wondering, what happens if it won’t be solved on 6 April either? Who will compensate our loss (incapability to work from home and use other subscriptions that require internet access) due to this administrative error KPN made? 

And again, the emergency internet package is still not arranged, however I was asking for it on the very first day, 28 March. I was told several times that it is arranged, and latest on Saturday, 1 April it should arrive. It was not. Your colleague sent an email today again to the right department, asking them to send us this internet noodpakket. If we really need to wait until 6 April to have a solution, I expect to have this arrived by tomorrow.

Also please note, if you have earlier time available for the fix and technician, let us know.

Hi @AlexSz. To start, we do not hang up intentionally. Service agents have no benefits to doing this. I am glad the person you talked to indicate the engineer was scheduled. 

Furthermore, I agree with the first engineer that it is taking too long. There is however nothing we can do about that other than follow the directions we have in the systems we have. And to make sure that proper actions are taken whenever possible to not delay the process any further. 

In terms of cancelling, the 14 days do not start from the moment you order. The 14 days start from the moment your connection works. So you are still free to cancel without further reason or notice. But seeing as the solution is 2 days away I was hoping you'd give us the chance to provide you with our connection and services. 

In terms of compensation, we can not compensate for costs you make during the moments we can't deliver services. So if you purchase an extra internet bundle with another company, we unfortunately can't compensate that. I do think that we have reason to see about compensation but I would like to first see if we can finalize the order on the 6th. And make sure that at least you have working internet then. 

Hi @Bram_ 

I am glad to hear that the 14 days starts counting when we have service. We will decide whether we stay or not subject to the fact how this issue will be solved and how satisfied we are with the new package and service. 

About the compensation according to the consumer protection I am sure that you have to compensate us for at least the out of service days, in more detail a full day payment for every started day when there is no service. 

One of my questions is still unanswered, when will the internet stick/noodpakket be delivered? I think we both can say that it is ridiculous that we did not receive any solutions to have at least a backup option. When we moved to our new house we immediately got a noodpakket from KPN. Other providers also offer this option in case of internet outage. We were told last week that it is on the way, but it is Tuesday and still nothing has arrived. I want that received regardless the fix scheduled for Thursday since now it is the 8th day we do not have internet at all at home, and of course you can not ensure that the fix on Thursday will be successful. If it won’t be and we do not have noodpakket either it will be the 10th day without any service from your end. Considering that KPN is one of the biggest internet provider it is a joke that KPN is not able to provide at least this one. 
The customer service agent yesterday wrote an email to the department who arranges this. What happened with that? 

@AlexSz I've got a note from today that an engineer has finalized sending the noodpakket. This note also states that the connection should be back up tomorrow. And that there has been made an appointment to call back to check. 

Would you confirm that you've been made aware of this?

@Bram_ yes the noodpakket is here finally. 
The technician indeed mentioned that our internet should be fixed today, and he will call us back today afternoon to see if it works, however the connection is still not working and he hasn’t call us yet. 

Additionally, we received a new email that an appointment has been made for next week:

”We herinneren je graag aan je afspraak met onze monteur op 11 april 2023 tussen 13.00 en 15.00. “

Why is this new (3rd) technician arranged this time?

@Bram_ just an update, of course we were not contacted by the technician today - despite he said he will contact us, and the internet issue is still not solved…

Hi @AlexSz .  Do you have an update for us?  I see a mechanic planned for today? 

Hi @Erwin_ and @Bram_ 

the mechanic was here yesterday, but the problem is still not solved. He made some calls and said that a checkbox needs to be clicked in at your end and our internet should work again… however it needs to be done in India it seems and their response time is due end of today. 

He also said that just to be sure a new appointment will be planned this week, in case we still do not have interned today evening. Now it is planned for 17 April afternoon. This is unacceptable. If this wont be solved today by end of the day I want to have someone here tomorrow afternoon and have this problem solved ASAP. This is the 3rd week without internet service because KPN screwed up something while changing our subscription. I can not imagine that KPN does not have some escalation line and also that it takes this long to solve and schedule. 

I also want to mention that the organization at KPN’s end is ridiculous. Yesterday the 3rd mechanic was here and it was a waste of time since the team who could solve our problem has a response deadline until today. And of course we get a 2 hours block where the mechanic can come and we need to be at home and wait - until now for nothing technically. We were not contacted via phone whether the time is good for us or not, it is just booked and we need to arrange our time accordingly. Of course our time will not be compensated by KPN even though it is a total waste.
Furthermore, your ticketing system is not transparent and we can not get proper information most of the times or the answer is that it is unknown when the problem will be solved, we need to wait. 

I have never seen this kind of bad service and organization before.



@Erwin_ @Bram_ 

so yesterday we were told that the team within KPN has a response deadline of today afternoon. The fix is not applied yet so we still do not have internet. I talked to your customer service today a few times. The first lady (call was between 12:40 and 13:15) said that she made some notes and our case should be escalated in case the fix is not applied by 16:00 and also I should contact customer service again later. From 16:20 I was in a call with a person for approx 15minutes but the line was disconnected while I was put on hold. Finally I was able to reach someone else from 16:54 and at 17:30 she told me that she needs more time to figure out with her manager why our case fix is delayed and how we can escalate and speed up the process, but she will call me back today, since she is working until 21:00. It is past 21:00 and obviously I was not called back. 

I am starting to feel that no one knows what is happening in KPN and actually no one cares and does his or her job. 

It is enough. KPN promises something every time and does not keep the promise. We are told every time that it will be fixed but it is never fixed. Everyone feels sorry but does technically nothing. During week 13 (week where the service went down) we were told that it will be fixed within a few days (1-2 days), last week that it will be fixed this week. Yesterday we were told that it will be fixed today. Today we were told that it is delayed until 17 April. What is next? May? 
It is day 16 without service and we are an existing customer of KPN. We are going to contact the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets. 

@Erwin_ and @Bram_ 

Of course today we contacted KPN since the call-back promise from yesterday was not fulfilled and we wanted to get answers. It is btw ridiculous that we need to point out every time that everything is well connected at our end, all lights are green, the technician can do nothing but simply call KPN’s departments to arrange the administrative fix KPN missed to apply with our subscription change.

We were told today that it does not make sense to have a technician on Monday, 17 April since he can not do anything. But the fix is still planned for 17 April. I do not know what takes so long since last week and this week on Tuesday we were told that the administrative fix (clicking in a checkbox basically) is scheduled for latest 12 April, so yesterday. Why do we need to wait again additional 5+ days? 
We also have an intention to totally cancel our order and contract with KPN since KPN fails to provide the proper service we are contracted for and it is ridiculous how KPN handles this situation. We specifically asked 1,5weeks ago what happens if the 14days of withdrawal period ends, since we still do not have service. Your customer service ensured us that this period starts as soon as we have internet, so no worries. We even asked KPN to change back our subscription to the old one where the 12months contract has already ended and is monthly terminable but we were advised NOT to do it, because it can mess up the fixing process. We were ensured that this 14days will be granted and also that the fix is coming soon. Well, today we were told that this period is already over and we need to wait until Monday - again (in my dictionary this is not the description of a fast process). If the internet wont be fixed then we can cancel everything for free, otherwise we need to have another discussion over this. Sorry, what?! We should have the 14days withdrawal period from Monday if - IF - finally KPN manages to solve this issue… We should have legally the right to have this 14days AFTER the ordered service works as it should be. 

@Erwin_ @Bram_ 

did something happen at KPN’s end? Today morning the lights were green but now the services changed to orange and internet red. After restarting the modem it is the same and it is not changing back to green. The black fiber box is fine.


After a new restart attempt everything (services and internet) changed back to green but we still have the following error message


The technician was here today. He changed the modem, then called your infra team to follow up the issue we have. He was told that the ticket is open in India and the response deadline (6 working days) is today evening. If it won’t be solved tomorrow we should expect a call from KPN to arrange a totally new subscription. I have a feeling that it won’t be solved…

@Erwin_ @Bram_ we expect to have a call from KPN tomorrow morning as soon as possible considering that our internet is not working since 28 March due to KPN’s administrative fault.

A technician was here again today (5th time we had a technician regarding this issue). What he could do is only making a ticket (IT Ops) again to solve this. Nothing further and still no info over the resolution date. He said that KPN is busy with the programming, however I do not know what takes 3+ weeks to solve this, since he said that the ticket made on 29 March was straightforward with the right info. He showed me that the Modem serial number is not getting through the system however it was registered and even changed back and forth to another modem.

We just received an email:

“Annulering afspraak met KPN monteur

Je hebt een internetverbinding bij ons aangevraagd. Voor de installatie van het installatiepakket heb je een afspraak met een monteur gemaakt. Helaas kon de monteur de installatie op de afgesproken datum niet uitvoeren. Wij hebben je een aantal keer gebeld en je een brief gestuurd voor een nieuwe afspraak. Helaas zijn we niet met je in contact gekomen.  

Zelf installeren
We hebben de monteursafspraak geannuleerd. Je kunt het installatiepakket zelf installeren als je dat nog niet hebt gedaan. Binnen enkele dagen ga je betalen voor het abonnement. Heb je uitleg bij de installatie nodig? Gebruik dan onze Installatiehulp op”


We do not know what this is about since we were not called only when we requested a call back from customer service (almost daily), and the technician was just here today…

@AlexSz sorry for not responding for a little bit. I have been tracking progress after making the addition in the ticket. I see that priority has been assigned. I`m sorry that I can't do more for you at this time. I do want to let you know I`m still keeping an eye on it and helping where possible. But at this time I can't do more than is already being done through the service ticket.