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Sorry, I don't speak Dutch.

I requested to transfer my glass fiber connection to a new address on 2023-04-01. During that call we scheduled it for 2023-04-17. A couple of days later I got an email saying that the move would happen on May, 31st (!). I called customer service on Tuesday (2023-04-11) and they told me that the move couldn't happen before because the previous tenant of the new address was using a different provider and the provider had to “release the fiber” to KPN.

I got in touch with the previous tenant and he was using KPN (same provider) and his internet had been moved on 2023-04-06. He also called KPN and he was informed that there is nothing on his name on the address anymore (I got the email he received from KPN and also screenshots of this).

I called KPN again to let them know about this on 2023-04-12, to summarize, they forwarded the question to the 'back office’. I called again on 2023-04-13 and 2023-04-14 and nobody can inform me why the connection can't be transferred sooner.

I also attempted to connect the router on the new address and the fiber-to-enthernet, as well as all router lights all go green, but I can't navegate as I get this message:

Uw gegevens zijn (nog) niet bekend in de juiste systemen. Daar kunnen twee reden voor zijn:

    Uw bestelling voor een internetaansluiting is nog niet afgerond.

In de bevestiging van uw bestelling vindt u de afspraakdatum waarop uw bestelling wordt afgerond. Vanaf deze datum kunt u gebruik maken van uw internetaansluiting. U vindt de afspraakdatum en de actuele status van uw bestelling ook op

Mocht u vragen hebben over uw bestelling, dan kunt u ook bellen met de klantenservice van uw serviceprovider.

    Internet service opgezegd / overgestapt naar andere aanbieder.

In de bevestiging van uw opzegging vindt u de datum waarop uw internetaansluiting wordt opgeheven.

Mocht u vragen hebben over uw bestelling, annulering of opzegging, dan kunt u ook bellen met de Klantenservice van uw service provider.

Which tells me the fiber is working and I have access to the KPN network. As someone that worked in an ISP before, most of the time this means everything, from the physical standpoint, is working and the line just need to be ‘authorized’ on some internal system.

I would like to receive a technical explanation/argument as to why my line can't be moved before May, 31st. And if there is none, that my line be moved as early as possible.

Thank you,


@Julio123 Welcome to our forum. 

Sorry to read that there are some troubles with moving your connection. 

I would like to check what I can do for you. 

Could you fill in your forum profile and let me know when you did? 

Hi @Rutger_ ,

I've done it. Hopefully you have enough information to check. Please let me know if you need any extra data.

Thank you,

@Julio123 Thanks for filling in your forum profile. 

I see the date that you mentioned, and I don't see a reason why this would take so long. 

I would advise you to call my colleagues tommorrow on 0800-0402. First you will hear a menu, after that you can speak with a colleague. 

Ask them what they can do for you. Maybe it is possible to cancel this move and put a new move in the system with an earlier date.

I am not able to check that. That is why my advice would be to call!