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Slow internet prepaid

  • 1 February 2019
  • 19 reacties
  • 833 keer bekeken

Last time i used it 20 days ago it was fast
Can someone help me to resolve this
Hi @Dare85, A lot can change in 20 days. Which bundle do you use? Have you already checked if the bundle is still active? Would you like to add your mobile phone number and SIM card number to your forum profile? Then I can check what is going on.
Hi Marina 😉

Mobile number

Sim card number

*Admin: gegevens verwijderd i.v.m. privacy, toegevoegd aan forumprofiel

*Admin: data removed for privacy, added to forum profile

Hi @Marina_ can u help me to solwe this and get my speed back its the same bundlle i wait 10 mins to open 1 page
Hi @Dare85 , You put on a monthly bundle on 29-01. (KPN Unlimited Online bundle). With this bundle you can get a speed of 128 Kbit/s. Yesterdaymorning you have requested a bundle for a day with the same speed. Because of this you will not experience any difference. Last night you requested a bundle of 100MB. With this bundle you can achieve a speed of 14.4 Mbit/s. This bundle has already stopped because the 100mb is gone, but have you experienced a difference in speed last night?

Sorry my English is not very good, but I hope you understand.
@Marina_ No it was the same
@Marina_ can you restart the number from there then maybe i will have my speed back i cant speak with my familly i am truck driver i use it for that .

See this download speed is 0.07 mb/s
@Marina_ Can u help me please ?
Hi Dare85, no Marina this time. She is enjoying her 1 day weekend 🙂 I understand you having problems with your internet speed with prepaid. The Unlimited Online Budle is still active, because you have activated it 2 times (one for free, one for € 8,99). The 100MB with faster internet is already been used. So the speed you are getting, is 128Kbit/s. That's 0.128 Mbit/s, not a lot!

Will you want to use faster internet, I recommend to activate bundles with the 14,4Mbit/s speed (not the unlimited, but day-passes and monthly credits.
So do you see on the picture @Susan_ it is 0.07kbps
It should be 0.12 at least try fix it from there

hi @Susan_ is this the speed of my bundlle i dont think so , make it clear and answer me
Hi @Marina_ is this the real speed for my bundlle
Hi @Dare85, I can not figure out why you get such a low speed. Can you test your SIM card in another device? I wonder what speed you get with another device. This way we know whether the problem lies with your device or with our network.
If all apps are disabled, would you like to do another speed test? I'm curious if you can reach a speed of 128kbit / s
Heb deze bundel zelf ook, dus even een screenshotje van een speedtest gemaakt, hiervoor heb ik dus wel zoveel als mogelijk er voor gezorgd dat andere apps en android zelf geen data verbruiken.

@Misja20, Het heeft even geduurd, maar het is ons duidelijk waarom de bundels trager zijn dan voorheen. Sinds januari wordt de snelheidsbeperking van de bundel op een betere wijze bewaakt. Daarvoor waren er enkele mogelijkheden waardoor je snel (tot 14,4 Mbs) internet kon hebben met een onbeperkt bundel. Dit is nu niet meer zo. Voor januari gaven de onbeperkt bundels in bepaalde gevallen dus een te hoge snelheid en hier hebben meerdere klanten van geprofiteerd.

Mijn collega heeft ook gekeken naar de speedtesten. Dit zijn normale snelheden voor deze bundel. Bijvoorbeeld: 0,07Mbps wat overeenkomt met 70Kbps, wat klopt t.o.v. van 128Kbps dat het theoretisch maximum is . De snelheid wordt ook bij een onbeperkt bundel beïnvloed door allerlei factoren. Denk aan drukte op de mast of apps op de achtergrond.

Het klopt dus dat je een tragere verbinding ervaart, maar het zijn snelheden die bij de bundel horen. Mocht er iets onduidelijk zijn, laat het dan vooral weten!
@Dare85, It took a while, but it is clear to us why the bundles are slower than before. Since January, the speed limit of the bundle has been better monitored. Before that, there were a few options that enabled you to have fast (up to 14.4 Mbs) internet with an unlimited bundle. This is no longer the case. Before January, the unlimited bundles gave too high a speed in certain cases, and several customers benefited from this.

My colleague also looked at the speedtests. These are normal speeds for this bundle. For example: 0.07 Mbps which corresponds to 70 Kbps, which is compared to 128 Kbps that is the theoretical maximum. The speed is also influenced by all kinds of factors with an unlimited bundle. Think of crowds on the mast or apps in the background.

So it is true that you experience a slower connection, but the speeds are part of the bundle. If something is unclear, please let us know!
