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I purchased a prepaid sim last week in the Netherlands with 100gb of data for work and to get myself setup. However, I am in Portugal at the moment and my data, calls and texts don’t seem to be working  

I have followed numerous threads relating to updating my network settings so that my KPN plan will work while I am travelling Portugal. 

My roaming is on, I’ve reset my network settings, turned my phone on and off, manually (and automatically) selected a network services providers in yet nothing seems to be working. 

Any help to get my phone online would be greatly appreciated. 



Hi @Gus B, welcome to our forum. Did you activate the prepaid card before leaving for Portugal, or haven't you done that yet? 

You've already tried a few things but so far without result.

I want to check what I can see from our side. To do so I will need some information, can you add the 06-number and the simcardnumber to your profile? If you reply after that we'll know you've done so.

It's also possible to call us regarding this, from abroad you can reach us via +31 6 1200 1200.



I have updated my number on my profile but I haven’t updated my sim card number just yet. Is the sim card number on the sim? 

also, I tried calling the number provided but it’s in Dutch so I can’t understand anything. 

Many thanks,



Thanks for the info @Gus B, everything looks good on our end. Data is not blocked and you have a bundle.

However you do have the unlimited bundle which is capped at 128 Kbit/s. 
Not all services and websites work with these speeds and they're only really usable with e-mail and messaging services.

Hi @Thomas thank you for the information. I’m not sure I’m following sorry?! I don’t seem to have access to any internet / data on any of my applications on my phone. Given that I have unlimited data, why isn’t this working in Portugal, but is in the Netherlands? 

many thanks,


It's not correct that you don't have any connection at all…

  • Can you check if 4G / 5G is switched on, if so can you switch it off and then check again if you can connect with a network?
  • Can you check what Acces Point Name (APN) is installed on your phone? It should be or internet.
    Can you try them both? 
  • Can you also tell us with wich provider/ netwerkwork you tried to connect?