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i am using Azure VPN for accessability of online server, the connection sometime is stable and can last for 30 mintues, but after disconnecting and sometimes the connection wont be stable for not even 2 min, on avergae i have to re-connect around 20-30 times in normal working day.

the connection using wifi, speed and latency is quite good, speed 230 MB download with 7 ms ping, 190 upload with 19 latency.


noting that i use DECO-TPlink as mesh wifi

before i had a connection with diffrenrt internet spervice provider where i didnt face any issues, could you advice perhaps on router setting to ensure a better stable connection.


Hello @Issa92 


The WiFi on the KPN modem is turned off?

Are the Deco AP's and your PC/laptop in the same location as before, maybe the VPN connection drops because it's switching between the Deco AP's.

What happens if you connect your PC/laptop with a network cable to the KPN modem, is the VPN connection stable then?

Do you have the same problems when you connect your workstation with a network cable instead of through wifi?

Do reason is that I suspect that your workstation is disconnected from the wifi network for a short mo ent and that might be due to your workstation moving from one mesh node to another mesh node.

Many VPN connection are broken at such moments and don't reconnect automatically.