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Hi all,

Just connected to KPN fiber optic internet with Experia V10a. Everything is fine except IPv6.

I see that the router advertises IPv6 prefix, my laptop obtains IPv6 address, IPv6 DNS servers, default route.

But in fact when I perform ping some ipv6 resource I get the following:

$ ping6

PING (2a00:1450:400e:809::200e)) 56 data bytes

From XX::4e1b:86ff:fe9e:8f7 (XX::4e1b:86ff:fe9e:8f7): icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: No route

Where XX::4e1b:86ff:fe9e:8f7 is the Experia box IPv6 address.

I also sniffed the traffic on laptop's wifi interface and can confirm that on any ipv6 packet towards the Internet it replies with "No route to host" ICMP message.

Seems the Experia box doesn't have IPv6 default route towards KPN itself.

Is that a known issue, how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.
The V10A is unfortunately an Experia Box from which te firmware is still full of bugs.

Due to the fact that Mr. Trump threatened to ban ZTE, the supllier of the V10 (without A), KPN was in a big hurry to find an alternative for the V10. The outcome is the V10A that was released far to soon.

KPN said that the buggy IPv6 of the v10A was turned off in the last firmware update but you are not the first to report that this seems not to be the case.

I know that a new firmware is tested at the moment, but I am not that confident in the new firmware solving all the problems. This is of course a bad thing to say, but unfortunately history learns me that most probably that will be the case.

My advise would be to join the club of customers that replaced the Experia Box by their own router as discussed in this topic. (Sorry its in Dutch.)