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(I hope English is ok in this forum and I apologise if I have placed this in the wrong form topic.)

I have a new Experia Box V10A (firmware v6.00.13 build01) from Spark in New Zealand. Port mapping (or “port forwarding”) does not work and Spark is unable to help me as the router is new equipment for them.

Port mapping used to work perfectly on my old router (a Huawei HG659b), but will not work at all on this new Arcadyan. I am trying to access a WD Passport HDD which is continuously recording my home security camera footage.

I can access the HDD when I am inside the network. However I cannot access the HDD at all when I am outside.

Settings …

Network > NAT> Port Mapping settings
- Private IP =
- Public IP = yyy.yy.yy.162
- Protocol = TCP&UDP
- Private Port = 3022-3022
- Public Port = 3022-3022
- When I am under the same network I can see the HDD using
- However, when I use yyy.yy.yy.162:5678 outside the network it just times out

I have also tried using Special Application mapping, but that does not work either.

I am very frustrated with this and would appreciate any help or advice!

Thank you (dank u vel!),

Hi @WH0A. English is fine on the forum, no problem.

You are trying to use an Experia Box v10A (firmware v6.00.13 build01) from Spark in New Zealand on the KPN network? How comes?

Here in The Netherlands you receive a modem/router from KPN included in your subscription. Currently their Experia Box v10A is being updated to firmware v5.00.31_build420 

(I'm a KPN customer by the way)

Hi @WH0A. English is fine on the forum, no problem.

You are trying to use an Experia Box v10A (firmware v6.00.13 build01) from Spark in New Zealand on the KPN network? How comes?

Here in The Netherlands you receive a modem/router from KPN included in your subscription. Currently their Experia Box v10A is being updated to firmware v5.00.31_build420 

(I'm a KPN customer by the way)

Hello RBxx

Thank you for looking at this.

And no, I am not using a NZ Experia Box on KPN! 🙂 I and many other users of the Experia v10A (and v10) around the world have noticed that there are a lot of great experts on that hardware here on KPN and so we have come here for help. I have seen other users from countries like Australia and several other European countries other than The Netherlands asking KPN experts for guidance.

We are desperate and looking around for assistance anywhere we can!

Yes, I have seen that v5.00 is common with KPN boxes, I just thought I should mention the version on mine to see if anyone has any suggestions.

And I am glad English is ok - Dutch people are often incredible linguists, I know! (My in-laws are Dutch.)

Thank you again.

Hi  @WH0A 

Definitely, there are experts on this subject here on the forum, unfortunately I'm not one of them.:grin:

Please wait for a reaction from them.


Hello @WH0A, welcome here. So you have a different firmware, which means I'm not sure everything works the same to be honest. But here is a topic which could be usefull for you. Maybe you’ll need to use Google translate though… I hope it works out!

Hello @WH0A, welcome here. So you have a different firmware, which means I'm not sure everything works the same to be honest. But here is a topic which could be usefull for you. Maybe you’ll need to use Google translate though… I hope it works out!

Hi @Paul_

Thank you for the suggestion. I am not actually trying to view an IP camera but a network hard drive that stores images *from* the cameras. The device is a WD Passport HDD.

I read through that topic, though, and I have actually done everything it suggest for the HDD as well.

I appreciate the suggestion though!

Settings …

Network > NAT> Port Mapping settings
- Private IP =
- Public IP = yyy.yy.yy.162
- Protocol = TCP&UDP
- Private Port = 3022-3022
- Public Port = 3022-3022
- When I am under the same network I can see the HDD using
- However, when I use yyy.yy.yy.162:5678 outside the network it just times out

I just need to correct some typos in my original post. I tried several different ports and just noticed that I did not type them correctly here. It should have read …

Settings …

Network > NAT> Port Mapping settings
- Private IP =
- Public IP = yyy.yy.yy.162
- Protocol = TCP&UDP
- Private Port = 3022-3022
- Public Port = 3022-3022
- When I am under the same network I can see the HDD using
- However, when I use yyy.yy.yy.162:3022 outside the network it just times out

Today I have found a workaround solution to the problem. I will post it here in case it can help anyone else.

On the router, I have set a new rule which does not specify the in-bound external IP address and instead accepts all in-bound IPs. On this router there is no All/None option but you can achieve that by setting the external IP as That rule has no problem redirecting the external port I set to the correct internal port and everything is now working as it should.

I would have preferred to map a defined object, but I have checked as much as I can and forwarding all IPs like this appears safe.

Thank you to those who offered their assistance, especially @Radioman who was very generous with his expertise and time.

Hello WHOA - I had changed over to fibre internet connection with a “Spark” modem (Experia  Box v10A) and was trying to set port forwarding.

NO ONE had any idea on how to do this including our network provider

I’ve trawled through the internet for weeks for an answer - about to give up I came to this forum and tried your workaround the problem - Yahoo !! it work like a treat, but you would never think of putting the static IP to

Many sincere thanks - you are a life saver.