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First of all, my apologies for the text in English, but going into technicalities is easier for me in English than missing the correct Dutch wording…

After the recent experia v10a firmware update, I noticed a few issues with my WiFi network. In particular, I now see two networks (the nominal one, plus another one with hidden SSID) being transmitted by my AP, roughly at the same power. I cross-checked this with changing the channel, powering on/off, and I confirm both are coming from my equipment, with the second "hidden” network overlapping the nominal one. No guest network is activated, and this is visible in both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. There seems to be no way to disable this hidden network, nor to identify it? I attach screenshots from WiFi Analyzer app below, showing the unwanted network details (I've hidden SSIDs and MAC addresses).

The main reason for this question is that my phone keeps losing WiFi connectivity at home, connecting and disconnecting a few times, and not automatically connecting anymore. This was working fine before the firmware update in July.

Also, in the previous firmware I had some similar connectivity issues, and one thing that solved it was to just disable (turn off) 5GHz radio from the AP. Unfortunately, the option seems to be gone with the latest firmware...

So I would like to know 1) if there is a justification for the second “hidden” WiFi, 2) if it can be disabled, and 3) if at least the 5GHz radio can be disabled.

Thanks, regards



Hi @warheart . Welcome to the forum.

Can you describe your setup? What kind of devices are currently present in your network? (which experiabox/router and which accespoints)


Hi @Erwin_ , thanks for the reply.

My setup is pretty standard, only an Experiabox v10a, no other APs, extenders, hotspots, nothing.

The connected devices are basic passive users (laptops, smartphones, etc).

It’s the same setup since installation a couple of years ago, appart from the FW updates - as I mentioned, I recall some similar issues at that time but they disappeared with disabling the 5GHz RF and IPv6, if I remember correctly.

Thanks, regards


First of all, my apologies for the text in English, but going into technicalities is easier for me in English than missing the correct Dutch wording…

After the recent experia v10a firmware update, I noticed a few issues with my WiFi network. In particular, I now see two networks (the nominal one, plus another one with hidden SSID) being transmitted by my AP, roughly at the same power. I cross-checked this with changing the channel, powering on/off, and I confirm both are coming from my equipment, with the second "hidden” network overlapping the nominal one. No guest network is activated, and this is visible in both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. There seems to be no way to disable this hidden network, nor to identify it? I attach screenshots from WiFi Analyzer app below, showing the unwanted network details (I've hidden SSIDs and MAC addresses).

The main reason for this question is that my phone keeps losing WiFi connectivity at home, connecting and disconnecting a few times, and not automatically connecting anymore. This was working fine before the firmware update in July.

Also, in the previous firmware I had some similar connectivity issues, and one thing that solved it was to just disable (turn off) 5GHz radio from the AP. Unfortunately, the option seems to be gone with the latest firmware...

So I would like to know 1) if there is a justification for the second “hidden” WiFi, 2) if it can be disabled, and 3) if at least the 5GHz radio can be disabled.

Thanks, regards



1) if there is a justification for the second “hidden” WiFi, 2) if it can be disabled, and 3) if at least the 5GHz radio can be disabled.

  1. The new version makes it possible to cooperate with KPN superwifi,s. They make use of this hidden network to connect on and create a mesh wifi network (when superwifi,s (devices are added)
  2. Part of the functionality cannot be disabled.
  3. Mesh wifi functionality at KPN makes wifi names and separate control on 2.4/5Ghz wifi band inpossible.
  4. There are a number of already known issues (see other forum threads ) that let kpn decide to turn back the upgrade. But only  for customers specifically filling a request form to revert to previous software.(search on this forum)
  5. When problems are resolved software will return again with the mentioned answers in 1,2,3

@warheart We have seen issues with certain smarthome hardware like converters and thermostats but not so much with mobile phones. What kind of phone do you have?

Thanks for the follow up.

@Erwin_ my phone showing the issues is a BQ Aquaris X Pro running Android 8.1.

As I understand from @BruisTablet (and other forum posts) there is the possibility to downgrade the firmware to the previous version until the next upgrade: could you please point me to the process to request it? I’ve seen other users requesting it via the forum threads, but a request form was mentioned as well?

Many thanks, regards

@warheart : Can you fill out your profile page and give me a heads up?

Hi @Erwin_ thanks a lot, just updated my profile. Let me know if any info is missing.

Thanks, regards

Thank you. This wil do. :-)
One last question: Did you try deleting the existing wireless connections in your different devices and reconnecting them with the v10a? If not, can you try? 

Hi @Erwin_ , thanks again.

Indeed in the meantime I've been checking other devices, including smartphones. It seems this is the only one instance (my BQ) that has the problem. Since then I also deleted the connections, re-added, etc… still the BQ phone is not connecting automatically as before, although once connected it seems stable enough.

Anyway I think I'll live with it for now - it is good enough for what I need, and I prefer to keep the latest FW than falling back just for this phone (which is also becoming obsolete, so it may be replaced in the near future).

So if it's OK for you let's park this issue, and hope everything else stays stable - and many thanks for your support!


No problem, @warheart .  We will leave it alone for now. If you still want a downgrade, give me a sign.