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Hi Everyone. 

I’m looking for some help or advice.  I have fiber internet at home, and I used to have default KPN hardware and use Google Wifi directly with fiber. (I don’t use TV nor phone, only internet).

So, I put between Google WiFi and fiber receiver managed switch, where I do vlan tagging (google wifi does not support vlan tagging at all unfortunately). Then I configured on Google Wifi PPPoE as WAN configuration. And thing started working. Sad part of this story: IPv6 does not work at all. 

I contacted Google Wifi supported, and asked them about it. Support person said, that it is unlikely google wifi itself, and it might be something on ISP side (related to provisioning IPv6 addresses or whatever) or something related to vlan tagging, because it is fishy. 

I’m not convinced, and I think this is something wrong with google wifi. Does anyone faced similar problems? Is there any additional steps I could do in order to make it work? Honestly I don’t want to switch my google wifi with something else, because don’t want to spend more money here. 


*Admin: topic verplaatst naar juiste board

What is the brand and type of the switch you are using between your NTU and the Google WiFi?

Did your Experia Box get an IPv6 address before you started using a Google WiFi?

I assume the Google WiFi sends a DHCPv6-PD request through PPPoE on vlan 6. Is that correct?

If yes your Google WiFi should get an IPv6 /48 prefix assigned.

Hi @wjb 

Thank you for quick answer. 

  • I’m using switch NETGEAR JGS524Ev2  (I just configured 2 ports out 24 for that vlan 6). 
  • There was no issues with my xperia box: Before I had following set up: Xperia box was connected to NTU, and Google WiFi was connected to Xperia BOX. With that set up IPv6 worked perfectly. I changed configuration because wanted to avoid double-nat situation. And also there was couple times when internet performance dropped, my assumption was that it is related xperia box.
  • According to google wifi support this is exactly true → It establish PPPoE connection and sends  DHCPv6-PD request through PPPoE. But I will double check exactly with support if it’s true or not. 

Could it be the case, that IPv6 does not work because I have separate device to deal with vlan? Is there a possibility to somehow check if this request has been sent or not?

Could it be the case, that IPv6 does not work because I have separate device to deal with vlan?

That should not be the cause of this issue as that just adds a vlan tag to the data packets.

It seems as if you can't configure anything with respect to IPv6 on the Google WiFi, it's just a switch to set IPv6 on or off.

I see similar stories on the Internet of people having trouble to get IPv6 working.

I hope Google WiFi support van help you. Please note that as a primary router it will get a /48 address assigned where as a secondary router it gets a /64 address assigned. There are rumours that the Google WiFi can only handle /64 addresses but I hope that is not true.

Thank you @wjb 


I will contact to Google Wifi support with this new information. Anyway, Ipv6 is not that urgent, so I will just wait a bit, probably they will fix it eventually. 


