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Where to apply for a free Wifi versteker ? I am a new customer of KPN. Switched from Ziggo to KPN . Due to Corona situation the technician just connected the modem and let. I have internet + TV option. I haven't start using the TV (waiting for new TV). I have Wifi connection only on ground floor. First floor and Attic very poor connection. I think two Wifi versteker will solve the issue(one on each floor). I try to call the KPN customer service after 15 minute waiting I cut the connection since no response. I heard from my neighbour the Wifi versteker is free. But no where explaining how to request.

Hey @Joby Sebastian, welcome to our forum!
One of the results of our online wifimanager is free wifi versterkers. These results depend on the situation ofcourse. It may be neccesary running the wifimanager a couple of times before you get the desired results.

I contacted three times the customer support. I did the test more than 6 times and the result is contact customer support. First three times I measured 10mb/s speed. Last test Wifi manager measured 2 Mb/s.

When I contacted third time the customer support guy mentioned me they will sent free wifi versteeker.

Now waiting for the wifi versteeker.


I'd love to double check that for you! Could you update your profile and let me know?

Profile updated. Let me know any further information required. Awaiting for the wifi versteeker.

Thanks! Could you also include your housenumber?


Thanks! I'm not sure where it went wrong but they hadnt been sent out yet. I've made sure they're on their way now.
You should receive more information by text message!

So strange with the customer support. Last 2 months I am using the internet like a lame duck. I was expecting will get the wifi versteeker by this week. So strange and need to run behind the issue to get a solution.


I agree, my apologies for this!
The wifi versterkers will be delivered today. I'll send you the track and trace code in a private message!

Thank you Thomas. Finally received the Versteeker and connected straight away and now I have wifi connection in all floors. A big headache is gone finally.

Great! You're very welcome.
If you have any other questions you know where to find me!


I need one more help. Yesterday bought the living room tv. I want to start using the tv ontvanger. But it need an ethernet connection. I don’t have any ethernet connection in living room. TV ontvanger doesn’t support wifi. Distance between experia box room and living room is 7meter. I would like to get a daardloose verbinding set. I saw one spare Ethernet port available on experia box.Could you please help me to fix the issue ?

Hello Joby, you can use the Ethernet port on your wifi experia's (the range extenders) to connect your TV tuner if that's easier.
If that's not an option or you'd prefer to use the draadloze verbindingssets you can purchase those through our webshop