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I had working IPv6 with KPN + OPNsense before. I had briefly switched to Odido, which was horrible, and now I have switched back to KPN. Since then, I cannot get IPv6 to work. All settings seem to be fine. Can someone point out what I’m missing?



I just tried connecting Box 14, and IPv6 works perfectly fine on that. So it’s definitely something with my settings on OPNSense.

Hi @kalpik , have you tried this url: ?

Generic Configuration  
IPv6 Configuration Type DHCPv6
DHCPv6 Client Configuration  
Configuration Mode Basic
Request only an IPv6 prefix Aangevinkt
Prefix delegation size 48
Use IPv4 connectivity Aangevinkt

Hi @kalpik , have you tried this url: ?

Generic Configuration  
IPv6 Configuration Type DHCPv6
DHCPv6 Client Configuration  
Configuration Mode Basic
Request only an IPv6 prefix Aangevinkt
Prefix delegation size 48
Use IPv4 connectivity Aangevinkt

Thanks, indeed, those are the settings I have, as you can see from the screenshot I attached. I just don’t get any IPv6 prefix to delegate.

What’s in the advanced section? Maybe there something is or isn’t set.

Nothing special, I guess.


Nothing special indeed. Have you tried restarting the OPNSense after enabling IPv6? Or just the connection?

Yep, I have restarted OPNsense, the XGSPON, and even tried connecting the Box 14, and that hands out IPv6 just fine. So I really am not sure what’s happening here.

Maybe turning on debugging helps, or you could find something in the log files. I’m out of options unfortunately.

Ik gebruik Opnsense als 2de router achter de Experiabox v10. Ik moet poort 546 UDP op WAN open zetten om IPv6 te krijgen. Is dat hier ook niet zo?

Bij PfSense moeten er zelfs 2 poorten open. Maar bij Opnsense is 1 van die 2 al open gezet in de Automatically generated rules.

Ik gebruik Opnsense als 2de router achter de Experiabox v10. Ik moet poort 546 UDP op WAN open zetten om IPv6 te krijgen. Is dat hier ook niet zo?

The OPNSense router is directly connected to the ONT. There is no experiabox in between.

Okay, very strange. I just remembered I could try one thing. I restored a backup from when I had KPN, and now IPv6 works! I also double checked and the settings are exactly the same as what I was trying. So not sure why it wasn’t working before. But in any case, it all works now :)
