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I recently got the KPN 1 GB connection. On connecting the modem and checking the speed via LAN (using OOKLA Speed test app on a windows laptop), I get approx 900 mbps speed. 

However, the wifi speed is limited to 100mbps. I also have KPN SuperWifi Aps for a mesh network. Speed test when connected to them also results in the same speed. WiFi Manager has not been able to imrove the speed. 

I am aware that the wifi speed is always lower than the LAN but I was expecting in the range of 300-500 mbps and this seems to be be too low. Can someone suggests some steps that I can take?

I have already looked at the wifi network analyzer  and alll the APs are on same channel. I think this is how it should be but I am not sure. Also my WiFi channel is (both 2.4 and 5 hz) is relatively empty.

Hi @loogman, welcome on our board. 

I'm wondering what kind of network card you have in your laptop? Also, what do you get when checking the speed on your phone?

Hi @Alex_P , I will have to check the network card, however this is the same speed which I get across all my devices. Tried with 2 phones, work and personal laptops and also tablets, surface go and samsung. The speed via LAN is ok, only the wifi speed is much slower.

Hi @Alex_P : I checked the n/w adapters for 2 laptops on which I am testing and one supports speeds upto 1.73 gbps (intel wireless ac9560) while the other supports speeds upto 800 mbps (ac8265). Does this help?

Thanks for checking. Let's start by turning the power of of the modem and also the fiber glass unit for about 10 seconds. After that turn the FTU on and wait a minute, then start the modem up again. Any difference? Also try testing without the SuperWiFi first, just turn them off.