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Hello everyone,

I’ve already went through several post forums and tutorials on the internet, and I cannot figure out why my port-forward wont work.

I was using Double NAT at my home, but now I’m trying without my own modem (so connecting straight to v10a, through WIFI) and the ports still show as closed through port checking tools.


Already completed the following:

  1. Fixed the internal IP of the desktop to 192.168.2.x with LAN DHCP on the v10a;
  2. With NAT Portmapping, created a new TCP&UDP rule with private and public port 9876-9877 to the pinned internal IP;
  3. Rebooted the modem, and also power-cycled it with the power cable.

My home network is set to “private mode” in windows, and I even tried turning off the Firewall in order to check it. Still, the port remains closed.

Can anyone advise?

Should I try a cabled connection instead of WiFi? (even though it wouldn't work for ever since I cannot have a cable to my computer)

Hello @Guilherme Déo 


Is the program which serves those ports running, otherwise they will show closed because nothing on them is responding.

Can you reach those ports from another device on your local network, maybe with a portchecker app?

Are you using the Guest WiFi or normal WiFi, on the Guest WiFi network it will not work.

For testing it's also better to use a cable.

Is the program which serves those ports running, otherwise they will show closed because nothing on them is responding.


That actually makes a lot of sense, and I realize that I was being dumb hahaha
However, even running it now, I still face the same issue:

netstat -ab

UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*

Actually, now I realize, why is it showing I have no idea… might need to tweak the server configuration a bit…

Im using normal wifi, will also try reaching it from another machine on my network and get back with results.


So indeed, I tried starting a different server, on the same port, and now it works…

The server of the game is probably not working properly, therefore not listening correctly on the ports.


Will have to figure with them, but this is not an issue with KPN Modem, and it is working as expected.


Thank you!