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Hello KPN friend, 

I just got a happy letter for an appointment to check how KPN Network will provide fiber optics.

I currently have a UDM Pro device, and I want to use a direct attachment instead of a KPN setup to get the complete fiber experience instead of ethernet + extra device in the last few meters.

I have checked the forum here, and I found plenty of information like “but not all”:

Yet I have some questions that are yet to be understood, and your help would be much appreciated 🙌

  • Do you have any recommendation for an SFP+ module that would work with the current 4Gbps and ideally be future-proof to 10Gbps? SFP+ modules usually don’t have the SC connector that KPN provides.
  • Would it be possible for the fiber cable to reach the living room “where the rack is”? Would that be an extra cost, or should I get external cabling help?


Thanks in advance

  • Do you have any recommendation for an SFP+ module that would work with the current 4Gbps and ideally be future-proof to 10Gbps? SFP+ modules usually don’t have the SC connector that KPN provides.
  • Would it be possible for the fiber cable to reach the living room “where the rack is”? Would that be an extra cost, or should I get external cabling help?

Thanks @TDN for your reply, I went with the fs + mod, direction.

Do you believe that this mod can be executed on the UDM device via ssh?

@shyraza If you are not sure to run the mod safetely by yourselfs, you can buy a ready to use fs-module from here (already patched for KPN network).
