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I order KPN internet to the house I move in. People who lived here before also had KPN internet and they told me I just need order a router. 

I just get email that we have apointment with technician in 10 days, so from day I order is 2 weeks. If we don't need a help of technician we will get package in Monday (I make order at Wednesday). 

So mine question is why I need a help of technician and if I need at all? 

I placed an order in Saturday and still didn't receive any confirmation email from you. I order sim card with new phone number so I think this shouldn't take so many time like ordering house internet. 

Please let me know if you can help me. I can't call because I dont speak Dutch. I already place order for house internet but is take so many time and I order also mobile internet. But if is gonna take so many time I dont need that then. 


Admin: merged with your existing topic. No need to post it twice

Hi @Jo11111 . Welcome to the forum.

Sometimes a mechanic is necessary to make adjustments at the is/ra point (the place where KPN enters the house) or at the connectionbox outside the home.

Okey, thank you for the answer!

I have also another problem, I hope you can help me with that!

In saturday I ordered SIM ONLY UNLIMITED DATA (because I need internet for work and technician is schedule for 19.07.) but I didn't received any order confirmation. I hoped that this order would come in 2-3 working days but now I'm not even sure if kpn had my order. 

Plus yesterday I received email from KPN saying "bevestiging annulering" but I didn't cancel anything (?) 


Okey, thank you for the answer!

I have also another problem, I hope you can help me with that!

In saturday I ordered SIM ONLY UNLIMITED DATA (because I need internet for work and technician is schedule for 19.07.) but I didn't received any order confirmation. I hoped that this order would come in 2-3 working days but now I'm not even sure if kpn had my order. 

Plus yesterday I received email from KPN saying "bevestiging annulering" but I didn't cancel anything (?) 



Dubbel : 


Dubbel : 


So you only write "dubbel" under my question and asking for help, yet still I don't get answer and help with my missing order. 🤡

Hi @Jo11111 . Can you fill out your profile and give me a reply in this topic after you have done that?

Hi @Jo11111 . Can you fill out your profile and give me a reply in this topic after you have done that?

Hi, thanks for quick response. I fill in my profile but is a little bit complicated so I will explain in to you shortly.

House internet is for my partners name (because he was faster register in gemente at our new adress). So I fill in profile with his information. Today we received kpn box 12, I connected everything right (I think) but internet light is blinking. We have scheduled technician for 19.07. But maybe there is an option I just have to call or activate online?


With my sim only unlimited data is another situation. I ordered it for same adress but mine name. No email confirmation and later so weird email saying about cancellation. Here doesn't change nothing till today. But I understand now maybe is a problem for you to check this order? If it is a problem I can go to kpn shop and try to resolve this. Even if this order is still existing somewhere I can always cancel. 

Most important for me now to have internet connection. Thank you

(Sorry for not perfect English)

Hi @Jo11111 .  This is a bit weird. I can't find a subscription for internet on the postal code you supplied. Are you sure you mentioned the rigjht postal code? 

Hi @Jo11111 .  This is a bit weird. I can't find a subscription for internet on the postal code you supplied. Are you sure you mentioned the rigjht postal code? 

HI, today morning I called to KPN and they confirmed that I have to wait for technician.

And they check also my order for sim only and that order didn't exist, just disappear... so now is already too late for I order new one and I have to wait another week for technician... but okey. Thank you a lot for your response and time!