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I have been working from home and since last week Wednesday, I'm having difficulties to connect to the remote server, based in the USA, that I'm using for my work. The KPN  network and modem in our house is working perfectly, has been checked and rebooted by KPN a few days ago, and everything seems to be in order. But the connection problem to this remote server is still arising randomly in different times during the day, and many times it's gone for hours so I'm unable to work then at all ...

After connected to my neighbors network by Ziggo, it 's working perfectly.   I have also contacted the support of this remote server in the US, and they explained the following: 


' ' There is a bad Internet router (IP in the path to the Netherlands dropping your connection and  goes straight from NY to Germany and starts dropping packets on a German internet router. 

This is an internet issue. It seems to only happen between a tight time frame and when you are connected to your home Internet Service Provider . 

When I saw you connected from both your ISP and your Neighbors I traced the routes back to your IP address.

The results when tracing back to your home ISP was routed through Germany and had very high packet loss.

When you connected to your neighbors ISP and I traced the route back to that IP address it was routed through London and had no packet loss. "


Has anybody any idea why this is happening, and how it can be fixed??

I'm working from home since March, and never had such issue, until now..





@HM09 Welcome to our forum and happy Christmas! 

Is it possible for you to do a trace route, make a screenshot and post it here? Without personal information ofcourse. 

And can you also fill in your forum profile and let me know when you did? Then I will see what I can do! 

Hello, Merry Christmas!

The problem here, seems very much related from a subject more early (two months ago).
There was more background information written < translated by Google see HERE >
I think KPN still have to do some extra investigation how they can maximize these routes.

@HM09 I haven't heard from you. How is the situation at this moment?

@HM09 I haven't heard from you. How is the situation at this moment?

Hi Rutger_, thank you for the reply and Merry Christmas to you too!!

In the meantime, luckily the problem has been solved. But below you can see the screenshot from the system administrator, where he detected the faulty router:



I have attempted to run traceroute, in the below, but it seems that the bad router/IP address is not in the route anymore. I assume they have replaced it, because the connection has been good since 18.Dec.


Have a great day, and a Happy New Year, when it comes!!