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I have a setup including wired cables through the house.  My ZTE modem about 2 months ago stopped supplying an address to my 24 port switch.  After being told this was a switch problem- I replaced it with a brand new switch.  Starting about 2 weeks ago- suddenly the Router began broadcasting wifi (I use the wifi versterkers from KPN) - and it ceased to supply my switch with a DHCP address. If I plug the cable directly to my computer I get an address - but it doesn’t work with the tp-link switch.  This is my second switch. The first as said worked 3 years before it suddenly didn’t.  And the second one worked about 2 months before the wifi decided to change it's own settings.  My cable goes from the ZTE box to the wifi versterker provided by kin, and then from versterker to my switch.  I require assistance.

Hello @tzbv, does your switch work if you connect it with the ZTE modem without the wifi versterker between them? So that the cable is going straight from the modem to the switch. 

Temporarily - roughly 3 weeks at a time. Then with no intervention on my part, the zte begis broadcasting wifi, the versterkers stop working and the dhcp no longer issues addresss.  I have to reset everything- the zte, the verstekers, and the switch -  multiple times in sequence