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i want to recreate one of my old emails to retreive one of my old accounts but unfortunately i am not using this service anymore.. can anyone here help me with this? 

Hi @wandaborgus 

E-mail accounts are cancelled 6 months after you terminate your KPN/Planet internet subscription.
If you don’t have a KPN subscription anymore, you can only ask a friend or family with a KPN subscription for help. Let him/her temporarily create this e-mailaddress as an alias under their account. After you’ve fished using it they can remove it again.

maybe you can help me or someone else can? i dont have any friends or family with a kpn subscription .. i am willing to pay. I just need to get one of my game accounts back! it wont take me more than 20 minutes...

Hi @wandaborgus 

E-mail accounts are cancelled 6 months after you terminate your KPN/Planet internet subscription.
If you don’t have a KPN subscription anymore, you can only ask a friend or family with a KPN subscription for help. Let him/her temporarily create this e-mailaddress as an alias under their account. After you’ve fished using it they can remove it again.


if anyone can help me with such a case of misfortune please pm me 


The following domains (inside the red rectangle) are also owned by KPN. These also can be used. Perhaps one of your friends/collegues uses such a (KPN) domain ?