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I have orderd SIM card in August.

At that time, I only had Denmark ID and AMP didn’t accept my ID when they delivered and the orders were cancelled by KNP.

However, it seems 2 orders have been charged and they are in my account.
KNP cancelled the order, not me, please delete 2 numbers and refund the charge.

I’m looking forward to contacting by customer support.

Here are the orders which you cancelled, and somehow you are charging.

I am very looking forward to hearing from you very soon.




I called customer support and she said I should go to the shop for solving the issue.

Then I visited the shop but the shop assistant said I should call to the customer service.

How can I solve the issue? Pls advise.

Hi @iwashi, it's pretty busy at our forum at the moment. That is why we didn't respond faster here in your topic.

I’m sorry to hear that the cancellation of your contracts didn't seem to go right. Unfortunately, this isn't something we can fix for you through our forum. I'm sorry about that! I'd advice you to call our customerservice through the free telephonenumber 0800-0402. That way our colleagues need to check what went wrong and can help you to make it right. I hope it will be solved soon.