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Hello . I am trying to find link where can i write my complain but up links are transferring me in totally wrong places. I have problems with your company since 3 months as you made me 2 payments of 1 internet contract . You are taking money from my account for 2 contracts even if I have only one . i already spoke with thousand of ppl from customer service and one by one makes my more angry and disappointed for you company. after one month of discussion with you i heard by phone than problem is solved and 1 contract will be available and after couple of days you still take my money from direct debit even if i heard it’s done . Next phone calls to you I heard that we are sorry bla bla bla we will cancel 2nd contract (even if it supposed to be done at 1 call ) 3 months later i still have 2 contract 2 payments and emails from you that you will block it as i don’t want to pay . Is this joke or you as a company just do this in purpose? When i ask for my money back i get an information that I NEED TO WRITE A COMPLAIN through the website as there is no other way. 0 professional skills from you people seriously 😒 I am tired of calling you and getting new names of people who “will” help me . I am waiting for solving that problem SINCE JANUARY is that right in you opinion?


Admin: message split off to own topic

Hi @taQ, welcome to our forum. If there are 2 payments instead of one it may be there are 2 contracts, but one of them nog being used. Your details are not on your profile, so I can't see anything about your situation. But calling us (0800-0402) is the quickest way to discuss this with us. I understand you've already done that, but so far without result.

Have you booked any progress since posting this? 


That’s story is made in short way as I am tired of you like I mention at the beginning. My last conversation with you guys solved problem in half way what means that You canceled (2nd time ) my contract but i will still have to pay next bill . so it’s around  170e already not fair and not professional way of you as a company. And now the best point when I ask one of your college when I will receive my money back he answered :

“There is nothing I can do for you as you have to make an complain through the website then wait until company analyse my problem and they will decide if I will receive them “

Seriosly you are the worst company i had ever had contract with and it’s going to be my last contract and if anyone ask me in the future about you I will sent him that post to make him good view how you treat people , solve problems and how professional people are working there. Unfortunately because of some people in KPN your reputation is going down and people who are not guilty for that and trying their best for this company looks like idio*s because of you. Good job 👍 


I understand you're not happy right now. I want to look into this aswel, see what I can see. I see you've added your details to your profile and I see both subscriptions. Just to make sure I'm looking at the situation correct, can you also add the customer number of both subscriptions to your profile? 

Hey. If you want to help me just give me a direct link to make a complaint about my situation not like o did at forum . That’s the “solution” i heard from your colleagues. what’s more you can do ? do you think you can help me getting my money back so i assume it’s another way then make a complaint like i have been told . That’s makes that situation even more crazy because someone lies to me or just have not enough knowledge about his work or am I wrong ?

Well, that is what I'm trying to find out for you. But I can't do that without your help. If you put the custumer numbers in your profile I can see more details about this en tell you more.