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I left the Netherlands 4 months ago and before leaving the country I ended the contract. All was good. I even called at the airport while I was waiting just to confirm the cancellation. A lovely person confirmed everything. Well 4 months later I still get charged. I called a few times but being overseas has been a challenge to get in touch with someone over the phone. Yesterday I finally got to talk with customer service and I found out the contract was still running and there was not a log about me asking for a contract termination. Since all the conversations are recorded for training purposes It MUST be there. I called at the airport around 2 pm, the 2 of may of 2023 to CONFIRM the closure. 

I would like to get a refund and file a complaint. Can someone help, please? 

Hi @Elaab and welcome to our forum.

I can imagine the surprise when it turns out you’re still being charged for a subscription you cancelled. 😕

I can't cancel subscriptions, so the best way for that would be to call. If that's an option for you (seeing as you’re abroad). You can reach us on +316 1200 1200 on weekdays between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. 
If you tell the phone ‘robot’ you want to cancel your subscription, then it should put you through to the right deparment. 

Hopefully, if you explain the situation to them, then they'll be able to have a look at the earlier cancellation and the period you’ve paid in between as well. 

If that's not working out or you have any other questions, let me know!


Hi, thanks for the reply. I need your help to request a refund. I already cancelled the contract. Let’s see if I will be charged next month. But I still need the refund. What details do you need to help with this issue? 

Many thanks in advance


Great! Did you get a confirmation of the cancellation as well? If so, then you shouldn't be charged on the next invoice. 

Did my colleague not arrange a refund for you? I'll check to see what I can find. Could you fill out your forum profile as completely as possible and give me a heads up here when you’ve done so? 
Then I can take a look.

This is ridiculous! I’ve just been charged again! 

honestly now it’s just becoming not only frustrating but also a burden financially and l’m considering a trip to the Netherlands just to fix this mess. 

please do something!!
