Emigrated in July 2023 and have been trying to cancel my subscription for 7 months now. So frustrated as 2 of my 5 subscriptions seem to have been cancelled but not the remaining 3. I have been told my Gemeente Deregistration letter is not stamped - it is. I have been told my document is not in PDF format - it is. I have been told to email it to opgezetten@kpn.com which I have done many times. Today I was told that a) I may not cancel even through we emigrated and b) I need to post the form all the way from South Africa (in the year 2024 to a Telecommunications Company). So frustrated and desperate. Please help me KPN.
I'm very sorry to hear this is causing you so much trouble
Have you received any reaction via email? opgezetten@kpn.com is not the right mail address, this one does not exist. So if you didn't receive anything after mailing, it's because you used the wrong mail address. The right one is opzeggen@kpn.com
If you did use the right one, I'm not really sure why it's going this difficult. In order to cancel, we need one of the following documents:
- The official prove of deregistration of the municipality where you used to live including a signature/stamp/date of departure, as a PDF file
- A signed statement of employment, or a statement of your study at a school/university abroad, as a PDF file
We also need your full name, address where the subscription is registered, date of birth and the last 3 digits of your IBAN.
Did you provide all of this? If not, it's possible your cancellation was declined because we do not have the right documents.
If you want me to check if I see any notes about this, could you please update your profiel and give me a heads up if you’ve done so?
Hi Maja. I think the automatic translations on this site have changed my referred to email address. Yes, I received an email to say my form was in the incorrect format and that I had to email a pdf to opzegging@kpn.com (O.P.Z.E.G.G.I.N.G). I have now done that many times but am yet to receive a response from that address. I have filled out the cancellation form which includes all above required information.
Please do look into this and get back to me urgently.
Many thanks
When I look at the document you submitted, I see the following:

This really is a JPG file, and not a PDF file, so they can not open or use this file in the system they work with (they need a PDF file for a reason). The only thing holding back the cancellations, is this lack of a PDF file. Can you try to convert the JPG file to a PDF file using this info? If this works, you can email this PDF file so they will be able to proces it!

This is what I have on my side. It is a pdf.
The very first version I sent in June/July 2023 was jpeg but ever since then I have been sending a pdf version thereof over and over again. Both to the email address I was asked to send it to AND by resubmitting the cancellation form.
That's really weird, in the 3 later versions I also see a JPG I'm sending you a DM with some additional questions.
Thanks Maja. I have sent the requested info via email. Hope it has come through.
It came trough, as a PDF. So I really do not understand why it keeps popping up as a JPG on our end. I'll try to contact the departement that handles te cancellations to see how we can fix this!
Progress!!!!!! Maja you are amazing. Thank you.
We think we know what's going wrong
Can you make a new PDF document with ONLY the second page and email that tot opzeggen@kpn.com? The second page contains the ‘bevestiging’, so hopefully it wil finally be done when they get the right page!
Hmmm, will try that. But the first page does not include the stamp they required so doubt that will be accepted.
Also, this same document was used to cancel 2 of my 5 subscriptions. This reason does not explain that either.
I have now sent it to both email addresses. Please acknowledge receipt thereof.
Please let me know if you have received this Maja and if the cancellation request is now being processed.
I have received the mails so my colleagues should also have received them. It will take a few days before the document are loaded in the system, I'll keep an eye on it!
Since I didn't see any changes yet, I've asked what the current processing time is. This turns out to be 14 days, so it make take al little bit longer. I'm keeping an eye on it!
Morning Maja
It has now been 15 days and today I have another invoice in my inbox. Seems as though it has still not been cancelled and I am still being charged.
Can I assume that I will be reimbursed for these many months of payment even though we have emigrated?
Many thanks
I'm very sorry but I've just now noticed that you used ‘opleggen@kpn.com’ in stead of opzeggen@kpn.com. So the departement will not have received your email. I'll write a mail myself now, with you in CC. I will explain the situation in Dutch!
Dear Maja
According to my records, the email of the 29th January was accidentally first sent to oplegging at 14:17 (South Africa Time) but then resent to opzegging at 14:21 the same day (i.e. four minutes later). KPNforum was also cc-ed in on that second email.
And alas. I received another email today from KPN asking me to email the document. Again.
I'm very sorry everything is still not cancelled
The reason it's been denied this time is the following:
‘De bewijslast die de klant heeft opgestuurd m.b.t. zijn opzegging is afgekeurd. De reden hiervan is: Geen geldige bewijslast want een aangifte kan nog worden ingetrokken. De klant moet het volgende opsturen zodat het wel wordt goedgekeurd: "Bewijs van uitschrijving" oude gemeente
of arbeidscontract/verklaring studie instelling.
This means that the ‘aangifte’ is not definitive enough I have contacted a colleague again and it appears they do not accept ‘aangiftes’ because of possible fraud (not from you of course, but people have been fraudulent with this in the past so security has been tightend)
I would recommend contacting gemeente Hilversum to see if they can provide a ‘bewijs van uitschrijving’ that will be accepted.
But Maja, the same document has already been accepted to cancel two of the five subscriptions I had with KPN. Unacceptable and completely illogical.
I don't get that either, but by now I'm pretty convinced there is other way to get it accepted
There is another way or there is not another way?
Surely, the page from the municipality titled “ Bevestiging Van die Verhuizing naar Buitenland Aangifte 30-06-2023” Is what you are looking for? It is a “Proof”. The letter from the Municipality is two pages long. Page 1 is the ‘Declaration/ Aangifte and Page 2 is the ‘Declaration’.
Page 1 of the document is the Declaration and Page 2 is the Proof (not declaration as I erroneously stated above)
I have now also sent a pdf document from my employer Declaring that I left the Netherlands in July 2023 and have been working from South Africa ever since. Has that been received and will that suffice?
If you've also sent a ‘arbeidscontract’, I hope this will finally be accepted! I've been asking around for the last week, but we don't understand why your other bevestiging is not accepted. If you sent it to opzeggen@kpn.com the right departement will have received them!
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