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Good morning everyone.

On 15th November my wifi contract will start. However, I noticed that I made a mistake and accidentally add an extra for HBO, which I don’t want. 

How can I remove it?


Hi @vittoriaceolaro. Welcome to the KPN forum. There are a number of ways we can help with this. 🙂

First off, we can't change the content of the order. But if we cancel the entire order that will delay the whole thing. 

Normally you have to wait one month before you can turn off HBO. If you added it with a discount you can just turn it off yourself that way in your MijnKPN

If you didn't have a discount on HBO what I could do is make a note in our systems. That way we can turn it off the moment everything has been activated. You will have to call 0800-0402 to have an employee remove it from your products. As you can't do that yourself for the first month. Important to note is also that it will still show up on your first invoice that way. As we charge the month in advance. It will however be reimbursed on the second invoice.

So could you please let me know here if you activated it with or without a discount? And if you thus want to turn it off yourself after a month or have me make a note so you can call to have it turned off on day 1?


Hi, thank you for your reply. 

I activated it with a discount and I’d like you to make a note to remove it from my contract.

Another question: is it possibile to anticipate the start of the wi-fi contract? (as soon as possible, please).

Thank you in advance,

kind regards.


@vittoriaceolaro if you activated it with a discount you won't see a single penny on your invoice, if you turn it off after a month. You can turn it off through your MijnKPN after that month. Or you can call 0800-0402 right away. Please do fill in your profile so I can make the note in our systems. 

Also when you ask for a contract we activate this as soon as possible, unless otherwise specified. But even in that case we plan to deliver on that date. Starting it sooner is unfortunately not possible.