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I would like to know how to appeal a roaming charge for data which I did not use. Arriving in Turkey, I accidentally had the data roaming tab still on, and immediately (within minutes and without using anything on my phone) received a text telling me that I was being charged 60 euros in roaming charges. I did not get any text warning that this was to take place and I got no benefit from it.

I called your contact centre immediately but the man on the phone just insulted me for "not reading my contract properly" and sarcastically told me "that is what airplane mode was for". When I asked to make a complaint he told me to "go online, but there is no point" 


I would therefore like some more polite help for how I can appeal this charge. I would also like to know how I can formally write to KPN to complain about this approach to data roaming. 

Maybe you don't care, but I am 34 and if this is not resolved I will never use KPN for anything in my life and advise all my friends and students to avoid KPN; in fact I will spend all the time I can campaigning against KPN and criticising you online and in person in every place that I can.

Hi This a forum where kpn customers help each other. Your post does not invite anyone to reply. Especially if you try to blackmail kpn. 

But I can understand that your not happy and the customer service rep should have stayed polite. 

Data roaming is almost the same for every provider. So you would have probably received the same bill from an other provider. 

You can raise complain see link below

Thank you Eduard. 


I am not trying to blackmail KPN; i am trying to make the point that earning a grubby 60 euros can cost a lifetime of customer value, with the implication that these practices are, in my opinion, not economically optimal for KPN as well as fundamentally immoral. 


I will use the link you provide.

@CGH111 Welcome to our forum. 

Sorry to hear that you used data in Turkey without expecting it. 

When you turn the "airplane mode" off on your phone, the phone will look for updates, e-mails and will re-connect apps. This normally causes the use of data. 

The best thing to do when you go to Turkey is buy an outside of the EU bundle, and activate this when you are still in The Netherlands. 

I am sorry to hear that your experience with my colleague was bad, but since the data has been used the answer he/she provided you was correct. 

Ofcourse you are still free to file a complaint. But since the data has been used my expectation is that the answer will be the same.