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I got a new connection and my cooldown period is over but I haven’t received my welcome gift - gaming console voucher yet. Can you please help in expediting this?

I got a new connection and my cooldown period is over but I haven’t received my welcome gift - gaming console voucher yet. Can you please help in expediting this?

When is the activation date of your subscription? Because there is 14 day grace period after the activation date.

@MerlijnM it was activated on 28th October and now 14 days are completed. How long do I have to wait for it?

it should be in your inbox by now ( I have the same activation date) please also check your spam box and junk mail!

@MerlijnM I checked, it's not there. Did you get it?

yes I have received the link it is possible that it might come a couple days later !

Hi, @Himanshu K, welcome! As Merlijn mentions, there's a 14 day grace periode after activation. Then, our fullfillment partner gets notified and they send the voucher. Because of that, it might be a day or two more than 14 days before you get the voucher. I suggest waiting to about Thursday. If you haven't received it yet by then, and it's not in your spam folder, then contact our fullfilment partner for assistance. They can be reached at 088-6237006 (Mon to Fri between 09:00-18:00).
