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Hi, I ve got the same problem. I send formular by internet Im leaving the nederland with my all dates, proof about leaving the Nederlands and I want cancel my Internet contract in December 2021. The problem is Im still getting facture, but I send everything exactly how suppose to do. Im in Poland right now and I cannot contact with KPN service by phone because is no signal during the call. Could you send me phone number or email adress and then I could speak with someone from service in order to cancel my contract? I made emigration formular one last time with date of cancelling on 14 January 2022. 


Admin: eigen topic voor je vraag aangemaakt (origineel)

Welcome to our forum @Piotr Tr! Sorry to hear about this situation. The fastest way to send us the information is through this form for emigration for KPN customers. The page is in Dutch however. For instructions (in English) how to translate an entire page with Google Chrome look here. In short the most important information we need is proof registering the emigration with the city. You should have received this when letting the city know you were moving out. Also a phone number we can reach you on and the personal information tied to the contract. You can also let us know per letter. Information of which you can find here. Could you let me know if this is enough information?

Thank you for answer. The problem is I send proof from Gemeente with emigration document two times. Nobody answered me is that correct or maybe is problem with this document which I send. If this is true then somebody could give an information about that. I only received message on my email adress: "U hebt via een opzegging naar aanleiding van uw emigratie doorgegeven. In deze e-mail vindt u de gegevens die u hebt opgegeven. " I was waiting for another step and then I got facture to pay for Internet. Could you tell me what was wrong and why I didnt get confirmation about my emigration document yet?

@Piotr Tr if you could put your customer number or postcode and housenumber in your profile I could look for you to see what the reason was. I can't however cancel the contract for you through this forum. You will still need to do that through the usual steps. 

I added my phone number, adress and customer number. What is the next step? 

@Piotr Tr I've looked into our systems and can't find the first time you sent us the form. In this case the fastest way to solve this is fill in the online form for canceling your contract due to emigration. Do know that this is to cancel the contract. This does not take into account your previous message to cancel. What you could do is use the option to add a file to ask them to look at the date that you moved to see if we can do anything about the normal 30 days that you need to let us know ahead of time. Do know that this is not something they are obligated to do. If you wish to see if we can cancel your contract from an earlier date then the only way to request that is to file a complaint. We will handle these on a case by case basis to see if we can approve your request. Your best chance of succes is finding proof of the earlier communication, like a confirmation e-mail that you filled in the form. I can not make promises on the succes of this howerver as we, again, review these on a case by case basis. 

I have also put a note in our systems to let anyone who reviews your case see that you first contacted us about this on the 7th of januari and it took me a little to get back to you on this. 

Ive got system message from KPN about my emigration formular is created. This message is from 23.12.2021. How can I introduce this message in order to cancel my contract? 

@Piotr Tr in that case could you please send an e-mail  to and attach a copy of that message? The time it takes us to cancel your contract is well within the time between now and late december. 

Of course, I will send this message. 

I send this message to . Whats the next step? I got another facture for Internet. So?

@Piotr Tr the departement behind will get your message and get into contact with you. As long as there are no changes the system doesn't “know” that this is going on and will keep on going on as usual. That includes sending invoices. Standard practice is that once we handle the case we see if there have been any costs made from the point that you indicated wanting to cancel and see how we handle that. In cases where we decide that there has been a delay because of circumstances from our case we can decide to reimburse those costs. However I can not decide if this is the case as I`m not the colleague handeling the case. If you have the financial means I would like to ask you to pay the invoice as if you refund that from your side the system won't know this is because of the current situation. I`m expecting the colleages to reach you within the next 10 working days from the moment you sent the e-mail.