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Hi, I have a question.

How does it work with contract extension for Home Internet? My contract is expired on 27th January 2021.

Thank you!


Admin: topic verplaatst naar juiste board

You take every subscription for een indefinit time. Until you self end it. You can only not end it within the first year (or 2 years). After that period it runs on. Only then it is finishible with a month notice.

My subscription at home runs now since march 2011. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Renewal of subscription is useless. There are no other possibilities then Hussel. You can adapt a running Hussel without renewal. 

Sorry for faults in my English. I hope it's clear.

Hi @Thao Hoang, I see Peter has already explained that your subscription will carry on unaltered after your contract expired. At his moment you'll have a months notice if you want to cancel your subscription, but if you don't want to cancel, you continue with the same subscription for the same price. 

You’re also able to change things within your subscription, you can add or delete options if you want to :slight_smile:

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