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I paid an invoice this month to NL41 INGB 0000 4675 98 without including my customer number. Is it possible to track the payment from my profile details and IBAN number please?

The invoice is still appearing as unpaid on my profile, though I already made payment.





Hello @ClaireMullane 

If the payment was done without customernumber or invoicenumber I expect that the payment will be rejected by the KPN systems, because it couldn't be linked to your account. That would mean it will be automatically refunded within 10 working days and your invoice will stay “unpaid".

You can call KPN customer service on 0800-0402 (toll free) for more information.

Awh okay, makes sense! Thanks for this information.

Perhaps if I make another payment with the correct info this time, the first payment will be refunded and the second payment can process as normal.

I’ll call 0800-0402 to confirm this