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Despite the termination of the contract due to the move, I still have money from my account for the previous subscription. I do not get any invoices for this, only the money is taken from my account. How can I get them back ?? I have a signed new subscription which is also taken from my account. The conversation with the consultant did not help, because in his opinion the closure was bad, I have no evidence of it because the conversation about the closure was conducted directly over the phone and the consultant assured me that everything was properly done. I sent the router to the address provided immediately after the conversation, I didn't get any message that something is wrong, what should I do to get my money back?


it is same for me and it is frustrating, its been 2 months and I still receiving invoice, I have received the confirmation of the cancellation.


*Admin: eigen topic voor vraag gemaakt torigineel topic]



My cancellation date was 7-Feb and I returned the box as well. We are now in April and I am still receiving invoice. Why is that? it is causing so much delays and frustration. 

*Admin: afgesplitst van originele topic en samengevoegd

Hi @Muhammad Saleem, welcome to our forum! One invoice after the cancellation date would not be unusual as it could be the final invoice but two invoices sounds like something didn't go right.

In this case I would ask you to contact our cancellations department on 0800-0402 (toll free) to take a look at this.
They should be able to explain what happened, help you cancel the subscription and arrange a refund.

Hi @Thomas 


I contact the customer service and I mentioned all the case, it was found that my KPN cancellation was cancelled by some staff and that staff should have reach back to me about the case, but still I am waiting for the call. Now I have outstanding bills of something I have not used and it causes further frustration. 


Please for GOD sake cancel my subscription!!! I already sent the box back before, I have no possession of KPN, also you can check the usage data from the months after the first cancellation. I ask again please cancel my subscription. I cannot call everyday, I have work commitments and other freelance commitments. I have called 4 times for the cancellation already.Â