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i have the KPN internet + TV package.  as part of subscription, i was supposed to get 2 wifi boosters free.  i havent got it yet.  can you please help to get this. 







*admin: afgesplitst

Welcome to our forum @Manish Kanabar!

Could you let us know why you were supposed to receive the wifi boosters for free? I ask this because with a new subscription you can choose which bonus you get. Usually you can choose between a number of months discount or our SuperWifi boosters. Looking at your order it seems you have chosen a number of months discount. In the e-mail we sent you june 26th you can find this under “Uitgebreid prijsoverzicht van uw bestelling”.

If you do find your modem alone does not give enough coverage, please do our Wifi Manager. It can determine if you need wifi boosters. And will allow you to buy ours at a reduced rate if you do. 

If you were supposed to receive the Super Wifi for free for any other reason, please let me know here. 🙂


the 2 free wifi booster were part of the campaign run by KPN at end of June which i had availed. i was also told by customer service that at end of my 14 day period on 18th July,  the wifi boosters would be shipped. i havent received them yet. 

can you please help



@Manish Kanabar I think the colleague you spoke to might have gotten things mixed up. 

We offer the SuperWifi boosters in several ways. When people start a new contract they can choose between free wifi boosters or a discount. We also offer them when people move house. These are the only ways to get them for free.

Other than that you can get a discount if you are a KPN customer and the Wifi Manager indicates you need boosters to get coverage. 

For customers who chose wifi boosters instead of the discount, they are delivered with the same parcel the modem comes in. If you have made use of another offer, please let me know here. Please also let me know if you have received any confirmation of that offer. 


there was an offer going at end of june in which along with subscription, there was offer to either go for 2 free wifi booster or free ipad.   we went for the wifi boosters.   this is not the usual offer of either going for discount or wifi booster.   it was from 24th to 26th June.  we availed during this offer.

i am not able to see the offer on KPN but sharing article from another website which mentions the offer.  


hope this helps to understand and get us the free wifi boosters as part of the package.

@Manish Kanabar in that case I`m afraid I can't change the situation as it is. When you become a customer of KPN you get an offer to welcome you. This can be a free product or a discount. But not both. 

So the good news is that you have got a long-lasting discount with your contract. Also you can still receive the SuperWifi with a discount. The only condition would be that our Wifi Manager indicates that our modem's wifi does not give enough coverage. So I would recommend you follow the steps. Make sure that if you do the built-in speedtest at the locations where the wifi is still present, but not optimal. Because if you test the wifi while near the modem the results will always be that your wifi is fully optimal.

hi Bram,

i am again mentioning that when i signed up, it was a special offer of getting a product AND a discount and it was only valid for the weekend of 23rd and 24th June.  i changed my subscription from Ziggo to KPN because of this offer.   if you cannot offer the wifi pods,  please help to give the ipad which was exactly what is mentioned in the link i shared below.


appreciate if you can stand true to your offer and not change it later.  does not leave a good impression for future 




“If you take out a new subscription with KPN this weekend, you will receive an Apple iPad 2021 with 64GB (in space gray) as a welcome gift. This applies to all Internet & TV subscriptions. The promotion runs from June 24 (09:00) to June 26 (23:59) and is exclusively online can be found at KPN. NB: this promotion is only valid for one weekend and gone = gone. So be quick!”
“To summarize it again: are you taking out a TV & Internet subscription with KPN this weekend? Then you will receive the iPad 2021 with no less than 64GB of storage as a welcome gift. The promotion runs from June 24 to June 26, 2022. So act fast!”

The promotion is indeed for the iPad. And you always have the option for a discound. But not both. I`m sorry if you misunderstood this. But there is nothing I can change for you in this case.