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I have just received a KPN letter asking for “apparatuur gratis terugsturen” and providing a box because they said I changed my subscription. The point is that I did not changed anything. The only thing that it comes to my mind is that one year and a half ago I changed my subscription and I returned then the old equipment. I have proof from the post office on the sending performed at that time. What should I do?

Hello, Welcome on this forum.

There is something strange in the system. Some customers get this without cancelling on change.

You can ignore this.

If you fill in your forumprofile a kpn moderator can enter at your administration that everything is oke.

Thank you. I will proceed as you suggest.


Hi Pablo, welcome on our board. 

I can't see any changes in your subscription. SoI have no idea why you got that letter, is it addressed to you? 


Hi!. Yes, the letter is addressed to me (Antonio Ballesteros)

That's weird. But no worries, you don't have to send anything back. My apologies for this inconvenience. 

Thank you