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Automatic incasso has failed therefore payment has not gone through.

There are two options to choose from.

  1. Pay with a payment code which you only receive once your payment is due (this is not my case as the payment is not due yet therefore this can't be used)
  2. Pay through mijnkpn (this option is not available to me through the app. I guess a bug)

I have just called your CS line and have been on queue for 45 minutes to speak to someone about this. This happens every single month. 

I guess I have to wait until the payment is due to receive the code and then pay it. Way to stretch your accounts receivable :)

I guess you don't really mind if the money is not in on time.



Hi @MayG, that is a strange situation. Via the forum I can't help you with this, the best way is to give us a call (0800-0402) and you can be transferred to the department that handles the payments. Even if it is busy on the line, they can help you with this.

Hi Jasper,

Thank you for your answer. 
I was on hold for 45 minutes before I decided to post this here. To be honest I won’t spend more time with it as I will still make the payment when I receive the message that the payment is due. 
If kpn doesn’t want to fix it and the payments are stretched that is on them. If they do they have my number. They can call me.

Thanks for taking the time. 


The reminders about an outstanding bill are send automatically, it is not a person that does it, so they won't call you. The only way to get in contact with them, it to call them yourself. I understand a long wait isn't nice, but it will resolve it.