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Due to family reasons, I have to emigrate for 4/6 months, but I have a signed internet and telephone contract here, the internet contract is extended by itself because it was signed only until February 2023, and the telephone is until June 2024, it is possible to transfer it to my mother since I won't be here? My mother lives in the Netherlands

Hi @emigration 


It is certainly possible to have the contracts in your name transferred to your mother's name.
This is called contract takeover, you can do this yourself via the following special page:
Pass on contract takeover
Here you can also find all information about the contract takeover. (Note! This page is only in Dutch)

You can also arrange it personally (together with your mother) in a KPN Shop near your mother.

Both the internet agreement and your mobile subscription can simply be transferred to your mother's name.
She will then become the new contract partner for both subscriptions.



You need the following two documents for a contract takeover:

1 > ID of current and new contractor

2 > Signed contract for current and new contractor. If you have a scan or photo of these documents, you can upload them within 30 minutes. If you do this later, your entered data will expire and you will have to complete the form again. Make the Citizen Service Number (BSN) and the photo unrecognizable on the copy of the ID.


To have helped you with this.
Please let us know if it all worked out.