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Hello. I was a student in Den Haag but graduated in July 2022 and have beenĀ back in the U.S. since August 2022. Before I left I canceled my account with KPN. I canceled with the municipality and have documentation from KPN that I canceled my account. However, I continue to receive a bill for over 50 euros with no explanation about what the charge is for. I really liked the KPN service while I lived in Den Haag but receiving threatening emails about charges that shouldnā€™t exist is becoming tiresome.

I canā€™t call the customer service number listed on their site (+31612001200). I called my carrier and they tried too saying it doesnā€™t have enough digits and isnā€™t a real number.Ā 


Can someone please help me?

Hi @Tenn, welcome! The phone number you mention is the right one and should work! Strange that it doesn't! Could you please update your forum profile with the mobile phone number, your customer number and adress? Let me know when you updated your profile and I will look into it.