Dear KPN team.
I registered for a 1 year contract last September when I moved in the Netherlands. Now that I am moving back to my home country (I only stayed one year), I'd like not to renew my contract for another year. I tried to contact the client service in July, but they said it was too early. I contacted again two weeks ago, they helped me towards a specific page on the website for moving abroad, I uploaded my proof of moving (i.e., an attestation that I start a new job in my home country France on September 1st), however I just received a letter in my mailbox saying that “We hebben uw bewijslast ontvangen, maar deze helaas afgekeurd” (without telling me which document you need).
Please note that I cannot already deregister from the municipality of Amsterdam because I am only moving out on August 30, but on the other hand I would like to send the internet router back *before* I leave the country.
Of course, I don't mind sending the router before my contract ends on September 5th, I'm fine with that. I just don't want it to be renewed.
Can somebody help me with that? Which document do you need, and can I get the address to send the router back?
I tried to call the klantenservice, but apparently it is not possible to give me the address before you guys register somewhere that I am moving, and nobody seemed to know what to do.
I also sent the same email at “”.