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Dear KPN team.

I registered for a 1 year contract last September when I moved in the Netherlands. Now that I am moving back to my home country (I only stayed one year), I'd like not to renew my contract for another year. I tried to contact the client service in July, but they said it was too early. I contacted again two weeks ago, they helped me towards a specific page on the website for moving abroad, I uploaded my proof of moving (i.e., an attestation that I start a new job in my home country France on September 1st), however I just received a letter in my mailbox saying that “We hebben uw bewijslast ontvangen, maar deze helaas afgekeurd” (without telling me which document you need).

Please note that I cannot already deregister from the municipality of Amsterdam because I am only moving out on August 30, but on the other hand I would like to send the internet router back *before* I leave the country.

Of course, I don't mind sending the router before my contract ends on September 5th, I'm fine with that. I just don't want it to be renewed.

Can somebody help me with that? Which document do you need, and can I get the address to send the router back?

I tried to call the klantenservice, but apparently it is not possible to give me the address before you guys register somewhere that I am moving, and nobody seemed to know what to do.


I also sent the same email at “”.



Hi @Pollion, welcome here.

If your contract ends on September 5th you don't need to send us proof of anything. You can simply cancel the contract after 12 months. All you need to do is call us and tell them that you simply want to cancel your contract, you don't even need to give a reason. Did you already try this? 

Hi Alex, thanks for answering. Of course I tried that. This was the first thing I tried, but according to your colleague I had on the phone, it was not possible to terminate my contract unless I move abroad (which I do), but in July it was too early to schedule my cancellation because they could only terminate one month after my call (and I needed my connection in August).

It is possible that it is mainly a communication issue, since I don't speak Dutch, and most people I had on the phone didn't speak English well (to be clear, I don't blame anyone here!). But if you, or anyone else could help me resolve this matter that would be wonderful.

Let me check this for you. I've sent you a private message. 

does anybody have anything new about this matter?


Hi @Pollion, yes. I have sent you a PM. This will be sorted in the next couple of days. I will let you know when it's done. 

@Pollion, I see the cancellation has been processed. It will be cancelled as of September 21st. 
