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Hi I sent my Cancellation on 21st of December and reported all the details of my emigration but I still got charged for the invoice in January. Can you please explain why that is still the case and how can I get a refund of the January invoice?

Hi and welcome to our forum @ASenatore.

It's possible that you receive one more invoice after you cancelled your contract. That is because your subscription is still active at that moment. At max one month after your cancellation you'll receive the final invoice which is called the ‘slotnota’, on which the costs will be settled. If you paid too much because of that last invoice, you'll receive it back within 2 weeks after the final invoice.

The most important thing is to check if you received a confirmation of your cancellation. If not, you can call our customerservice at the free phonenumber 0800-0402 when in The Netherlands, and 06-1200 1200 if you're calling from elsewhere.