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Dear all, 

After a number of calls with customer support and not being able to file a complaint in writing, I have to write this post. 

In short: I got charged via KPN for a 3rd party gaming service Pro-streamers from April until October, 10 euro monthly. I never subscribed for this services but KPN believes otherwise while is not able to provide any proof. 

One does not have to be a detective to see multiple evidence of this scam and SMS smishing Some examples:

and more. 

KPN, I would like to receive my money back for the service that I never ordered. Please don’t tell me to contact the scammers - it is impossible and you should know that by now after so many complaints being filed by other customers. 

After reading all this I think that KPN customers data is not safe and can easily be compromised. How can I as a customer be sure that you take care of my data and do not share it? 

I’d like to reiterate again that I have spent a lot of time talking on the phone and I was never presented an evidence that I subscribed by the service that KPN charged me for. 

Please provide your reaction in writing, return my money back and finally start an investigation if you value your customers. 

Hi @Julia K. Welcome to the KPN forum. I`m sorry to hear you've been surprised by these charges. This is however something that can only be activated by the customer. Not from a distance. 

I'd like to recommend you to check out the tips in this topic on how to turn it off. Here's the same topic translated by Google translate

Hi Bram. Thank you for you reply. 

I am certain that I did not do it. Can you comment on the evidence provided online by other customers of KPN who are in a similar situation as I am?


Do you have an evidence that you can share that proves that I signed up for this service?


I don’t have a single game on my phone and I am the only user of my device, so I’d like to understand that.


Finally, I am glad I spotted this fraud and took action but the lack of support from your company side and unclear measures to protect my personal data make me concerned. Can you provide any guarantees that I won’t be charged by fraudulent parties like Pro Streamers in the future? 



@Julia K I'd like to you please visit It explains other services as well. It’s not just games, though this is the reason I've seen most. It also deals with other things like donations to charity or parking costs. They can help you find out what service exactly it was. If you dispute these costs, please look under “Kan er zonder mijn toestemming betaald zijn?”. There you have the option “klik dan hier.”. 

I understand you're asking us these questions. After all, it's our bill that shows these costs. But in this matter e-bill.moby is the party that charged you. 

Hi Bram. Thanks for your response but it does not answer the questions I asked, namely:


  1. As I was charged via KPN, can you provide an evidence for the fact that as you claim I signed up for a service from the 3rd party?
  2. Since I was charged via KPN, can you let me know exactly which service it was? Parking or charity does not sound relevant to me. 
  3. How do you ensure data safety as if you do little research even in your community, you’ll see that there are multiple evidences of this 3rd party being a fraudulent organization.

As stated, I no longer wish to invest my time into this. I was charged for the “services” that I did not approve of. I request a reimbursement and a proof that KPN takes measures to protect my data effectively moving forward.


Can you make a screenshot of the costs specification on the second page of your last invoice and post it here?

Please make sure you blurr any personal information.

Hi wjb,

Here’s what I see whenever I try to open any invoice. Maybe you can access my invoice information from your end since the system is down? 
I tried all invoices, I get the same result. 
I got charged +10 extra euro from April until September, all in all around 60 euro.


Hi @Bram_ 

Can you please provide reply to my questions posted 10 dats ago?

Thanks in advance,


@Julia K for the answers to your questions I must refer you to the original tipic about E-bill.Mobi. And most information on E-bill.Mobi, see their FAQ. Unfortunately I can't give the direct answers to the individual questions you've posed.



Hi Bram,

If you can’t answer my questions, who at KPN can?


@Bram_, Can you see why @Julia K can't open her invoices?