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Customer services lied to me 3 times. It is in the records. I will take legal actions. I can not quit my subscription because of them!!

I started my one year subscription for KPN house internet at May 2023. In November, I moved my house and internet to a new address. I asked them if my contract end date will change or not. They told me that it will stay same. I called them 2-3 times just to clarify this. Each time, I have been informed that it will not change. 
Now, I would like to end my contract in May 2024. 2weeks ago, I called them and explained this story. They decided to change my end date to May 2024. I also saw it on the app. Later on, suddenly, my end date is changed back to December 2024 again!! Without even a notification or warning!!
Today, I called the customer services and they are now telling me that I need to stay with them untill November and there is nothing possible to do. They also told me that noone has the right to say that my end date was May 2024. They told me lies 3 times. I do not suggest this company to no one. Just use another provider because they have thrustworty customer service and willing to help. I regret the day I switched to KPN from Ziggo.
I have nothing to do but take also legal actions.

Hi @Oguzdemet and welcome to our KPN Community. If you’ve been told several times that the end date wouldn't change and it still ends up changing then I can imagine the frustration. 😕
I'm sorry that happened. 

If 14 days haven't passed yet since the order that changed the date has been processed, then you still have a right to cancel your order. You can do that by calling us on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. 
If you say you want to cancel your order then you sohould be forwarded to the right department immedialtely. 

If the order has been processed over 14 days ago, then it can unfortunately no longer be cancelled. The confirmation of your order should have said that your contract is being renewed. If that's not on the confirmation, then I'd also suggest calling and telling my colleagues that the order confirmation did not suggest the date of the contract would be changed. 
