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The same is happening to me. This is crazy…! How can  a third party take money using KPN? And KPN know nothing about this…. I never subscribed to a service provided by this company ESR TV: NEVER.  


How can this happen?

And is it possible that it is all the user responsibility? I just cannot believe this. 


I just unsubscribed using the link that I found in this forum. We shod be reimbursed for this scam. KPN should ban this practices.


I am just speechless.


Good night 



Admin: Afgesplitst en eigen topic aangemaakt

Hi @Alejandro RGB , welcome. If there is, or was, an ESR subscription being paid through KPN Pay, then someone using a device with your simcard, or other simcard connected to the same account, did this. We cannot subscribe you, only the user can do so. 

In understand you were able to cancel the subscription, that's good to hear. If you feel that the start of subscription was an error, you can contact the billing provider for further assistance. They can supply you with the relevant data of when and how the subscription was started. And if it turns out something is amiss, they can resolve that. 


 For reference, I've copied the relevant sections of our ESR TV and KPN Pay answer:

About ESR TV:

ESR TV is a paid service. You can sign up for this in two ways:

Via the ESR TV app (can be downloaded from the various app stores)
Via banners that are visible in some games/apps/your browser and lead you to the ESR TV website.
Payment is made in two different ways:

Via premium SMS. You can then unsubscribe via
Via KPN Pay. You can then unsubscribe via
It is important to know that in both cases you will receive a confirmation by text message.


Further explanation about payment with KPN Pay:

If you are going to pay for ESR TV via KPN Pay, click on 'continue'. You will then receive an overview containing information about the costs and how to pay them. If you click on 'pay now', you agree that the service uses your mobile phone number for identification and settlement of the costs. Because KPN Pay is automatically enabled on your mobile subscription, you do not have to go through any other steps. Clicking on 'pay now' is sufficient to enter into a subscription. The contracting party of the subscription is responsible for ensuring that the user of the device only registers for this if this is desired. Signing out is easy via

More information about paying with KPN Pay can be found on our website. ESR TV is also mentioned there as an example at the bottom of the page. We also have an article on the forum explaining KPN Pay.


Hi Erik,

Thanks for your response. Then, can you clarify something else? How is that I do not have KPN pay, never installed or download an app. Basically, I did not know that KPN pay existed until now. So for me this is serious: I never gave my phone or the sim card, so how could this happen?


I followed the method to unsubscribe and I receive a sms from telling that I was unsubscribed. 

Let me know if you think that I have to do something additional. And, above all: this situation is just weird. There is something that is working not the way it supposed to work. Who to blame…?





HERE: Je abonnement op ESR TV is stopgezet. Vragen? Ga naar


If there is, or was, an ESR subscription being paid through KPN Pay, then someone using a device with your simcard, or other simcard connected to the same account, did this. We cannot subscribe you, only the user can do so. 

Hi @Alejandro RGB, you probably missed it, because it was a lot of information, but Erik shared how it works:


Because KPN Pay is automatically enabled on your mobile subscription, you do not have to go through any other steps. Clicking on 'pay now' is sufficient to enter into a subscription.


If you don't want to use KPN Pay, you can call our customer service (0800-0402), my colleagues can disable it!

Thanks you Erik & Marcia,


I was contacted by ESR TV. They offered reimbursement and the subscription of over and will share how that goes.


And finally,  I did not miss the info Erik shared.

I just did not subscribe to the service. And I find weird that I have no recollection of subscribing to such a service: I am not a gamer. And above all, I never subscribe for paid services using my phone. I usually think twice and then I do not subscribe 😉.


And yes, I will de-activate KPN pay.


