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Dear KPN Customer Service,

I wish to formally address an issue concerning my mobile subscription termination. In December, during my visit to Poland for the Christmas holidays, I contacted your customer service to terminate my mobile subscription. I received a verbal confirmation over the phone that the termination request was accepted.

Regrettably, I did not verify the receipt of a confirmation email at that time. Upon reviewing my company's bank statements recently, I observed that charges for the mobile subscription are still being deducted from our account, indicating that the agreement has not been terminated as previously confirmed.

I subsequently initiated another cancellation request yesterday. However, I understand that I am still liable for charges for the month of April due to the current billing cycle. 

I am deeply disappointed by this oversight and the inconvenience it has caused. As a result of this experience, I have decided to terminate not only my mobile subscription but also my home internet services with KPN. Additionally, when feasible, I intend to switch my wife's mobile number to a different service provider.

I trust that you will address this matter promptly and ensure that the termination of my mobile subscription is processed without further delays or complications. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


pYour Name]

Hi Mateus, that's most unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear that the cancellation was not confirmed and implemented according to your wishes. I'm not in a position and qualified to cancel a subscription as a moderator of the KPN Community. I would advise you to reach out again to our contract and billing department on 0800-0402 during business hours.

As an alternative you van fill out this online form (dutch) and my colleagues will contact you.
