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My subscription was activated on 07/09/2023. I called to the KPN service to cancel the subscription on 12/09/2023, so my subsciption officialy terminates today (12/10/2023). The costs for Setptermber had already been paid. But for some reason I got the second invoice (October-November period) and money was charged from my bank account. Why did I get this invoice eventhough my subscripton had been cancelend?

Hi @Evgeniya_567, welcome to the forum. It is possible the cancelation and the invoice missed each other. The invoice is prepared before it is send, so it can be it was already ready to go before the cancelation happened. You haven't filled out your profile yet, therefor I can't see anything about the situation. You can fill it out completely or call us at 0800-0402. That is the quickest way to take a look into this.

Hi, @Jasper! Thank you for the information. I have just filled in my profile so that you can see the details of my subscription.

Thank you @Evgeniya_567. De cancellation was completed on the 12th of october, and the invoice was created on the 10th. So those moments missed eachother. There will be another invoice next month, which will refund the amount paid after the cancellation date.

@Jasper Ok, thank you for the information!