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Hi everyone,

I’d like to order a KPN service for internet and mobile as a bundle. However, I could not complete the order due to the valid date requirement. My residence permit is valid until 11.2023, but the system requires at least 12.2023. How it is possible unless doing order on the first day of the permit?

Also, my permit will be extended after one year. How can I order this service now? I could not contact KPN in English via phone.

Hi @BoJack and welcome to our forum! Unfortunately your residence permit needs to be no older than 3 months. I'm not familiar with the rule of it needing to be valid for over a year, but perhaps this has to do with the contract being for a year or longer? If that's the case I'd advise you to visit one of our KPN stores with all the documentation you have so far and ask what my colleagues there can do for you or advise you. They’re able to process orders, and can give you advise on how to proceed if the order cannot be processed. Hopefully this way you'll be able to order services soon!