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Dear KPN,

I’m writing this post in English which I hope won't be a problem, but I want to explain my problem and situation as detailed as possible since this is the only way to contact you.

I was on exchange in the Netherlands and I had a subscription for a phone number. My contract was until November 2024. But unfortunately, my exchange ended earlier, in July this year. I wanted to terminate my contract due to emigration so I sent the document from Utrecht city hall (that confirms that im leaving the Netherlands) through your website (emigration section). But I got no answer, so I ended up sending that document 3 times. That was in the period from July until October. During that period, money for a subscription was deducted monthly from my account. To mention that all that time I spent in Serbia where using that phone number was impossible. During that time, I also contacted your customer service multiple times and they kept telling me to send the document again. The last time my document was rejected I called customer service and they started an investigation about my case. After a couple of days, I was informed that a mistake had been made and that my contract was terminated and the phone number was switched off. I also received an email from Jorg Kramer which says that my money (250e that was taken from my account in the period July-October) will be reimbursed on the date of the next invoice. Here comes the problem. I don't live in the Netherlands since July, and I don't have a visa or BSN anymore. Because of that my Dutch bank account that was in my contract was shut down recently. I tried changing it to my Serbian bank account, but that is not possible. And since my number is shut down, I do not have access to MijnKPN app and I can't call customer service. Calling from my Serbian number would be abnormally expensive. 

So I sincerely ask you for some advice or solution to get my money back. And I hope the right person will see this because, as I explained, this is the only way to contact you.

Hallo @Jana Djokic ,

KPN is vanuit het buitenland bereikbaar via +316 1200 1200. Dat kun je bellen met elk telefoontoestel.

Doordeweeks tussen 8.00 en 18.00, op zaterdag tot 17.00.


KPN can be reached from abroad via +316 1200 1200. You can call it from any telephone.

Weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, on Saturdays until 5:00 PM. (Dutch time) 

Hoi @Noordzee, but that is not free calling, right?


Not from abroad, I think. 

Good that your subscription has finally ended. 

Call monday' to friday +3161200 1200 between 8:00 and 16:30 and ask for "collections" or "emigration desk".

It must be a EU IBAN number. Another is not possible.

you can also discuss this on the telephone.

This can only be resolved by telephone.
