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I tried to order the internet twice in the TV promotion. The first time the order failed, the second time it was canceled. In the store they told me that they did not see why it happened and that I could order again but without the promotion. It's been 4 weeks since the first activation, should I wait another 2?

Hi @Sebek97, welcome to our forum!

I'm not sure why your contract would have gotten cancelled either, did you place a second order?
Did you check your orderstatus online? Did you get a confirmation e-mail? These should give you some information on when your activation date would be.

The quickest way to get someone to check your order is by calling us on 0800-0402 or by visiting a shop

Once I ordered the same activation was on 14 I did not get an email about the activation only confirmation. The second time I ordered in the store together with the gentleman from the service. I got my order number. The date of activation. Unfortunately, before activation, checking the status of the order I saw that it was canceled. I went to the store again, where it turned out that they could not check why the order was canceled. I would like to renew to place an order but I am waiting for the promotion with Once I ordered the same activation was on 14 I did not get an email about the activation only confirmation. The second time I ordered in the store together with the gentleman from the service. I got my order number. The date of activation. Unfortunately, before activation, checking the status of the order I saw that it was canceled. I went to the store again, where it turned out that they could not check why the order was canceled. I would like to renew to place an order but I'm waiting for the promotion from the TV

Ah that is a shame, I could take a look if I can find why the orders were cancelled but I can't promise anything as I have the same data as my colleagues on the phone.
Could you fill your adress in your profile and let me know?

Here on the forum I can't help you with placing your order, with or without promotions.Â