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Dear Sir/Madam,

On 22 December 2021, I emigrated from Netherland. Before I leaved, I had already returned the modem to KPN. But recently, I have received several mails from KPN, which asked me to return the modem to you in 7 days. I would like to contact you and show you the receipt of PostNL, but I don’t know how. 
I have another question about my cancellation. Actually, I have emigrated from Netherland last month and have filled the form on your website which includes the emigration document. I saw on the MijnKPN app that I have to pay the invoice for the January 2022. I haven’t used the phone card this month and I leaved Netherland last month. I could not understand why I have to pay for this month.

Could you please help me with these problems?

Thanks in advance,



Hi @Fairy, welcome to our forum!

Despite returning the modem to us, I understand you still you receive e-mails about sending it back. Sometimes this happens, because the administration can be a bit slow. To which address did you return it? You may share your PostNL receipt here in your topic, just make sure there's none of your personal information on it - our forum is open to all visitors :) 

Did you also receive a confirmation about ending your contract? When the invoice is made during the month your contract stops, you’ll still receive the invoice, because at that moment the contract is still active. Then the next month you'll receive another, last invoice, which will settle the costs. If you paid too much, you'll receive it back shortly after that last invoice. In the meantime, you can check your contract and invoices in MijnKPN.

Hello @Alexandra ,

Thank you for your reply. You could see the receipt of PostNL here:

I have already received a confirmation of ending the contract for internet, but not for the mobile number. You could see the information of MijnKPN here:

Could you please help me to check the returning state of modem and why I haven’t received the confirmation of ending the contract for phone number?

Thanks in advance,


@Fairy Thank you for the confirmation, and also for filling in your info in your forumprofile. I've looked at it. Your internet contract has indeed ended. And since you already returned the modem, you can ignore the message about sending it back. As I mentioned before, sometimes the logistic administration can be a bit slow. So don't worry, that's alright.

I looked at your mobile contract too. That one is still active, just as you see in MijnKPN. The internet contract and your mobile one are two different contracts. I suspect that the termination of the contract has only been requested for internet, and not yet for your mobile contract. I can't find a confirmation about it either. Unfortunately I don't have the option to do that for you. You can request the termination of your contract because of emigration on our website. You can also call or chat about it through our customer service, but I can imagine that way isn't the best because you already left The Netherlands.