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I emigrated from Netherlands in Februady but still KPN has not canceled my subscription. 
I sent the proof from the geemente at least 4 times, called the number from abroad which is super expensive and no one was able to help me (every employee was saying different things), I keep receiving bills and even faircasso is asking me for money. 
please end my contract because it is really a fraud. I sent multiple emails with all my data and the proof of emigration. 

Hi @Chiara Barlaxena, welcome here! Would you please fill out your forum profile and reply here when you've done so? I'll take a look and see what the actual problem is, and how we can get this sorted. 

I filled in all the info I could remember / understand. 
The address is of course the one I had in Amsterdam but I don’t live there from February 15th 2023. 
The actual problem is the one I told you: I still receive invoices to pay but I sent you multiple times the confirmation of de registration from the geemente because I emigrated. Please cancel my subscription and of course don’t make me pay for months I didn’t use internet because I was in Italy. 

Thank you, @Chiara Barlaxena. I've looked into it and what I see is this:


You contacted us for cancellation due to emigration in February. However, the documentation you sent was rejected. My colleague spoke to you on February 10 to explain this. After, you sent the proof again, but, unfortunately, this was still not the right proof. 

What you sent us is de 'verhuisaangifte' which is the announcement to the county that you are going to move. It is not actual proof that you have moved. We informed you of this via e-mail on the 14th of February.


You responded to that e-mail in April. Indicating that you attached proof of flight. However, that is still not official proof that you have left the Netherlands completely. We replied to your e-mail with an explanation, and on the 19th of April you sent us the required document.


At that point, the cancellation of the home internet subscription was processed. It was cancelled going into effect May 19, and a credit entered going back from May 19 to March 9 (that is the date on the proof). Because of these things, it took two billing cycles to fully process this. But by the June bill, all had been processed.


However, for mobile it's a different story. By the time you sent the correct proof, your mobile contract had fallen into the financial track for non-payment. As such, the decision around cancellation was handed over to the collections department. And from there on I no longer see any notes. Besides the additional e-mails you sent in June and July.

What I do see, is that the mobile contract was ended due to non-payment on May 27. At that time, an automatic fee for breaking the contract was entered into the system because your original contract end date was in September. At that point, all the unpaid bills from beofre were still open, so that's what all the reminders you have been receiving were about.


Then last month. On August 3 you sent in another request for cancellation due to emigration, and this time it was processed. This happened on the 11th. The colleague cancelled the outstanding amount on the mobile contract.


Which means that, as of now, both contracts have been cancelled. And as far as I can see, all outstanding payments should be sorted. I've sent an e-mail to our collections department to check this. I'll let you know, here, when I've received a reply.

I’m sorry but the proof i’ve sent from the second time on was the official de registration signed by the gemeente, I paid 25€ to get it only to send it to you, so I’m sure that all the documents I sent where correct from the second time I sent them (the first time it was a paper from the geemente, I called your coworkers and they told me that was ok, when you rejected it I called and asked what I should send no one was able to tell me and we spoke on the phone for more or less 15 minutes, since I was calling from Italy I paid a lot of money that I’m not gonna see again as well as the money for the certificate.) 

I keep receiving faircasso emails to pay 230€ that I’m definitely not going to pay because it’s the money I had to pay for months I was in Italy (in March I still paid the subscription even though I was in Italy  because the proof of emigration said it was from March 9th). 

I hope you can sort it out and stop sending me mails through faircasso

Hi @Chiara Barlaxena, my colleague looked into it but unforunately it's out of our hands now, because the invoices are sold to faircasso. Regardless of whether we should have done anything about it, now that's not possible anymore.

So what am I supposed to do? I’m not going to pay. You said you were going to resolve it, so please do it. Contact faircasso and tell them that you made a mistake. I don’t want to lose more money by taking a legal action against KPN but I am afraid is the only option now since you are responsible for this. 
please, resolve it. 

I'm really sorry Chiara but when the process has advanced to this point we cannot intervene anymore and i'm not able to resolve this. You should contact Faircasso directly.  

I contacted them but they never answered. It’s unbelievable how unprofessional you are, I contacted you multiple times pointing out the problem and everytime KPN employers came up with different excuses, now I am in this awful situation because no one helped me for good before. I cannot believe you cannot help me. 

Can you send me a formal email saying that my contract is canceled and you sent everything to faircasso before solving it? So I can send it to faircasso